When we choose to follow the voice of God; it will not come without resistance. Challenges, temptations, or circumstances will come to either destroy our vision or sharpen us to complete it. So, what’s the promise God’s given you? It’s important to write it down, memorize it, but it’s most valued when we believe it. Satan’s going to try everything possible to sift you as wheat but Jesus is praying for you.
It’s comforting
to hear those words from others, “I am praying for you!”
It brings comfort, care, and reassurance. Nevertheless, people may forget to lift me in
prayer but Jesus NEVER will. It’s a
truly comforting truth of Scripture, Jesus prays for me. "Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them." Hebrews 7:25. Right now upon the mercy seat, He intercede
on our behalf. Although the enemy is
trying to make sure our faith falters or fails; it can’t because Jesus is
praying. Jesus has faced our fears,
faced our struggles, and faced our enemy!
So, He knows what it’s going to take to endure-prayer!
"Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31
Without prayer; we
have no strength! Without prayer; we
have no power! Without prayer; we are
defeated! Yet, the promise of Jesus is I
have prayed for you! Jesus knew the test
of Simon before it occurred; He told him.
So, Jesus isn’t worried, confused, or scratching His head about your
situation. Jesus is already aware of Satan’s
tactic in your life, so rest in knowing Jesus is watching with a careful
eye. As the old song says, “His eye is
on the sparrow and I know He watches me.”
If your faith is
never tried, you will never have a testimony to declare or a song to sing. Faith isn’t made for the weak of heart; it’s
what makes a true heart of a believer. Mouth
of lions can’t be closed if we never stood in the den. Stepping out of the furnace can’t be true
unless we been through the fire. Your
faith isn’t going to burn out; it’s going to be used to pour out the greatest
worship song! What’s the promise God has
given you? Go back to the day! Stand firm in knowing God’s Word will NEVER
come back empty; it can only accomplish what He desires. It will not be voided
or changed.
“So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will
not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without
succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” "For you will go out with
joy and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills will break forth into
shouts of joy before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
Isaiah 55:11-12
Trials and test
come to mature us, to bear good fruit, and show we belong to Christ. We are not greater than Our Master, so we
will suffer for loving Him. Nevertheless, the most important line of
communication must be with the Father, we can’t stop praying! Jesus didn't stop praying even before He was to be arrested in Gethsemane. Sadly, He called for the prayers of His followers who were sleeping. However, if no words come don't be alarmed. God hears the most sincere prayers even if
no words are spoken. We don't have to use words; tears are an expression from
the heart. Jesus wept, felt forsaken, and asked for this cup to pass; He was
human just like us. Yet, the most important truth: Jesus expressed it all to the
Father. Sifted saints can
testify of the power of God, the presence of God, and the promises of God. It’s not just for reminiscing it’s for
declaring to the body. Why is the book of Psalms so dear to the heart of believers? It's a collection of praises of a person who has sang our song! Psalms actually means "a melody of praise" in the Hebrew. So, pick a Psalm! Declare the praises of God again! If you can't pray it through; sing it through!
As Jesus speaks to Simon beforehand about the trial of Simon he is about to face, He knew the outcome. May it comfort your heart; Jesus already knows the outcome of your trial! So, when you come out on the other side share it with others. Testimonies are useless without a story to tell. So, what’s your story? Can you recall a time of God’s deliverance in your past? Well, the story is still continuing! So, don’t get hooked on the back pages, keep turning the pages, God’s still writing! It’s going to have moments of suspense, moments of failure, but always moments of triumph!
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