Friday, July 10, 2015


Burnt walls, families destroyed, and nothing left of your heritage-a choice has to be made. Yet, what do we do when we hear the news?  Do we turn away?  Or does it touch our heart within?  Does it cause our faith to act?  Nehemiah had a decision to make: either to continue to living in the comfort of the palace or help his brothers and sisters.  Nevertheless, he was broken over what was happening to his people, his homeland.  Can you image your heritage being destroyed?  The temple is destroyed where he worshiped, the flag wasn’t waving, the king was captured, and family and friends are gone.  Only memories, his faith in God, and his heritage could fuel his mission but it started in his brokenness.

Only in brokenness can God move the heart to bring change, vision, and courage.

Nehemiah didn’t blame anyone or attack anyone, he went before the throne of God.  It wasn’t just a small devotional time, he sought God day and night for a period of four months.  Besides praying for an extensive period of time, Nehemiah couldn’t adequately perform his occupation-a cup bearer.  When the king questioned saw his countenance, he knew it was from sadness of heart. (Nehemiah 2:2)  We can either blame each other or we can build again.  We are standing upon a crossroad upon this nation; one that’s quiet overwhelming.  Sin is very powerful; it has the ability to destroy lives and nations.  Choices always have a consequence, there is no escape.  The day of the Lord is coming!  It will be as thief in the night! (2 Peter 3:10)  No one can escape this day, no one.  If the recent events didn’t make this clear, we are either blind or asleep. 

As I read the recent ruling of the Supreme Court, my heart was just completely shattered.  No words.  I just quietly meditated, prayed, and keep waiting for the Spirit to speak.  As I started praying God keep reminding me of the word “remnant” or stories in Scripture where one or a small group of believers made a difference.  When Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed only three believers were left, Lot and his two daughters. (Genesis 19:16-26)  Jesus trained and taught twelve men who would transform the world for the Gospel. (Matthew 10:12)  Esther was only a voice to go before the throne to stand for her people but she had the courage to do right.  (Esther 8:1-4)

"Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, "Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the Jews.   "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?" Esther 4:13-14

As I have been thinking about the different stories in Scripture, I can't help but realize two important truths: our decisions lead us to this horrible state and we desperately need God, an awakening!  As children of God we have been enjoying the king’s palace but we are neglecting our heritage.  We are neglecting our responsibility to our brothers and sisters, we are silent.  Silence is the most destructive force; it allows darkness to keep talking.  Darkness will keep talking until a light shines; it only needs one.  So, are we going to be the one light? 

God placed us upon this earth for such a time as this; to be a voice.

If we never stand up for truth; we will never see change.  Esther didn't miss out on the opportunity to deliver her people; she fasted and prayed before going to the king. Yet, the king granted to her entrance to hear her voice.  Being a light is important; it’s commanded by Christ. (Matthew 5:14)  We are to be the light of the world.  So, continue to love God, read the Word, pray, and live a godly life before man.  Wickedness and sin will be upon this earth until the end but it doesn’t mean I have to partake of it.  Nevertheless, regardless of what sin we discuss; it’s still sin that separates us from a relationship with God.  If we don’t preach the Gospel, someone could miss their opportunity for eternity.  It’s a very sobering thought but its truth.  Sin has an eternal consequence-death regardless of which one is discussed.  However Jesus paid with his life upon Calvary to remove the power and curse of sin for everyone.  Sadly, everyone will not accept this truth or the salvation but everyone does deserve the opportunity to hear the truth-Jesus paid for it.

So, where do we go from here?  What do we do as Christians?  If we never take a stand; we will never leave a mark. It's not time to shrink back in fear; it's time to be bold.  The disciples once spoke and the people were astonished at their words. What made their words so powerful? Being with Jesus! The people recognized who they represented, who taught them, and who they were devoted too.  We are here to be the church at this hour, God makes no mistakes.  Yet, my hearts cry is for the church to be awake from undisturbed sleep!  It’s time to be serious about our relationship with God, our responsibility for the great commission, and living a holy life so God’s love can draw others.  We can’t compromise now, we are here for such a time as this.

Awaken my Love by Tina Wetor    

Upon the earth he lurks to devour,
Any heart who will give him power.
Quietly he searches through the night,
Without a reflection of the light.
Love of destruction craves upon his eyes
Capturing the hopeless with his lies.
Sweet, seductive, empty lies to the broken;
Since the Truth isn’t spoken.
Open mouths of the grave await his mission.
Death will reveal his secret vision,
To torture the lives of the lost.
He doesn’t care what the cost.
Awake my love to reveal my light
It’s time to shine so bright.
Darkness desire to invade this hour,
Only my love can break its power.
Darkness has only one limitation,
Its powers fall when the Truth is spoken.
Abide in me, so my words abide in you;
Speak with boldness and love so true.
Only the Lord can turn darkness into light.
He is the only weapon to break the night.
Upon the hill, His love shown so bright
To reveal the deeds of the night.
As darkness lurks upon the streets,
The church nestles peaceful in an undisturbed sleep.
As the Father of Light beckons the call,
Arousing the love of church to hear the call.
Awaken my love, it’s time to shine.
Awaken my love, there isn’t much time.
Although the light is a dim flickering; I will burn deep
Hear my pleading, awaken my love from undisturbed sleep.
A smoldering wick, I will not snuff out
It’s time to let the light shine about
Darkness is coming; he is coming to your gate
Awaken love before it’s too late

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