Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dinner Date With God

     Life is so filled with busyness, it can cause us to resist the quietness.  As the silence emerges our hearts begin to panic, this experience isn't the norm.  We are unsure how to respond or act so we get back to what we know: busyness.  Oh, our souls hunger for rest, stillness, and peace but it seems so far out of reach.  Do you realize this is what Jesus died for?

At this present moment, I "feel" very far from God although I know the truth of God's Word, "He will never leave me, fail me, or forsake me."  Psalm 119:50 says, "My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life." Nevertheless, my heart just aches to be alone in the presence of God where His love can surround me.  With a new job, different hours, persuing my calling, and family responsibilites my life seems very hectic.  Even through all of my daily chaos, my soul cries out for rest. The voice of God calls us to enter His rest but we seem to resist it with gritted teeth.  In Psalm 23:1-2, "He MAKES me lie down in green pastures, he LEADS me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul.  In this favorite psalm, we learn some very important truths: God longs to lead us to places of solitude to restore our souls.  Keep in mind, God created rest for a reason, He knew we needed it.  We all need those times of refreshing, we can't give what we don't have.
     In our prayer time or Bible study, we can quickly get into a habit of just performing the duties without connecting to God.  "Oh, I did my Bible study today, I am good."  I have a question, "Did you hear God's voice at all?"  Now I understand those moments where the prayers don't feel like they are reaching heaven.  "Are you allowing God to speak to you or giving Him the time too?"  If we don't, we are missing some valueable moments of reassurance, grace, and love.  Our attitudes towards our devotional time needs to change so we can receive it's sweet exchanges of love.
     Song of songs is a beautiful metaphor of God's desire for the Bride, the church.  Solomon and his lover have intimate exchanges, communication, and passionate desires for the other.  In the relationship if one party is absent, they will search all night until their love is united.  Nothing can satisfy the longing of their heart until their hearts are one. 
     Isn't it interesting, Jesus prayed for our relationship to be similiar to His father's: one.  In the creation story, Adam and Eve were created for each other but to become one flesh.  Our relationship with God needs to have loving exchanges with each other.  Our prayer time can easily become a "honey do list" instead of a beautiful dinner date.  While I was dating my husband, I couldn't wait just for the opportunity to glance at him, to touch his hands, and enjoy being near him.  Throughout the dinner date, we would laugh, share our dreams, kisses, and just hold hands.  We cherished the exchange of being loved by someone and it being returned.  So, when was the last time you enjoyed a dinner date with God?  He has the banquet table all preapred, He just waiting for us to arrive.  Oh, it's going to be a beautiful dinner date with the One we love.  I can hardly wait, how about you?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Anointed Manna: Caught Completely Unaware

Anointed Manna: Caught Completely Unaware: " ..."

Caught Completely Unaware

We all cherish the periods of peace within our lives with no struggles, trials, or tests. Our marriage is strong, the children seem to be focuses on their activities, our job is going well. All of the bills are paid with some money left over, life is good. Nevertheless, at a moments notice, life can change with unexpected news. Oh, it will come all of the sudden, we are completely unaware of it and unprepared to act. Before the telephone rang, the letter in the mail, or the email from the boss we would say life was good.  Regardless of how strong your faith is, tragedy can knock on your front door. Once it's opened to the unexpected person, it can cause our hearts to grip fear without a second thought. God isn't surprised by all of the events that seem to catch us unaware. We can easily be frighten by the attack at our front door but just know God has your enemy surrounded.

     As I write this, I am remembering a horrifying event that happened so suddenly at my children's school. While I was waiting to pick up my children, I was checking my email on my cellphone. All of the sudden, two vehicles pulled up to the driver's side of my van. No matter who you are, no one wants to see an ambulance or a firetruck. As I silently watched the medics run with a stretcher passed my car, my heart just sank. As I witnessed the prinicpal directing the medic team, my heart was wondering is that my child? Moments later, a little boy was wheeled into the ambulance, the mother arrived on scene. One of the medics opened the passanger side door to help the mother in. Naturally, the mother was crying with fear. What parent wouldn't? As she lifted her head up, our eyes locked at that moment. She turned away from my glance to put her hands into her face. So, I grapped some tissues and walked over the ambulance. As I gave her the tissue, she thanked me. I asked her, "Can I do anything else for you?" She replied, "Yes, do you have a cellphone?" I ran to my vehicle to grap my cellphone for her. After she called her husband, I grapped her hands and prayed for her. Honestly, I didn't ask her, there was no time too. She gently smiled to thank me for my kindness while tears streamed down her face.  While she cried, I gave her my phone number and advised her to call if she need anything.

     In a moment, this mother's life was changed due to a sudden attack of illness upon her child. While doing the normal everyday activities, the enemy strikes. Although we are aware of Satan's tactics, sometimes we can be caught completely unaware of his prepared battle plan. Although these events will definately challenge our faith, it doesn't mean God isn't present. Lately, I have been meditating on a passage of scripture found in 2 Kings 6:8-32, Israel is being attacked by their enemies again. The king of Aram tried different plans to attack the children of Israel but it was blocked each time. The king of Israel was obeying the instructions of Elisha the prophet who was advising where to station the guards. The king of Aram was so frustrated, he started to believe his own army was against him. All of the men confessed their loyalty to the king but the army was aware of Elisha's doing. Elisha, the prophet of God, was getting instruction from God about the king's exact battle plans. The king of Aram demands to know the location of Elisha's home. So during the night, the king sends A STRONG FORCE THERE.  They went by night and surround Elisha's home with their armies.


Satan can come to attack us completely off guard with his complete strong force. He comes in the darkness to try to surround us but what he doesn't realize is what about to happen. Elisha is completely unaware of what the enemy was doing, he was asleep. We need to pay very careful attention to what the servant and Elisha's reponse was. Both Elisha and the servant's lives were in danger, they are completely surrounded. Elisha's servant says, "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?" Elisha said, "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them. 2 Kings 6:17 says, "And Elisha prayed, "O Lord, open his eyes so he may see." Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.  I am so excited, I am about to jump off my chair. Do you understand? God is completely prepared for your battles, He is standing ready to combat.

jesuspeacebestill.jpg image by twetor77

     My friend does the enemy have you completely surrounded? Is your heart fearful at what is happening? Just pray, God is with you and He is mighty to save. I am not sure what you are going through but I want you to know God cares very deeply for you. God's on your side, He isn't fighting against you. I pray for God to open your eyes to this truth, He is there! He is prepared his host of angels to fight for you. You are not alone in this battle, don't fear it or focus on it. Keep your eyes on Jesus, the One who is the perfector of our faith.