Thursday, October 25, 2018


Circumstances arise to cause either our faith to arise or to bring silence; there are no other choices.  Either we can allow fear to keep us isolated from confronting the situation or we can stand against it.  Yet, it’s hard to gain the strength to fight when no one is supporting you.  It’s a feeling of completely hopelessness as the circumstances continue to come against you.  Yet, we forget an important truth: there is a warrior inside of you!  Now it may not “feel as if you are standing in the battlefield” but it’s right where you are.  With a target upon your back, the enemy is completely prepared for battle to destroy your faith, your marriage, and you life.  It’s not a comfortable place to be but warfare is never meant to be.  It’s time to arise from the ashes!  

Arising from the ashes takes courage, learning how to fight, and an un-shakeable faith in God.  Although the battle lines are drawn, God hasn’t left you powerless.  It’s really on how you “see” the situation.  It’s important to understand how to see in our circumstances, so please turn to 2 Kings 6:8-22.    

 Standing in the battlefield isn’t for the faint of heart; it’s where the warrior wife is born.  

It’s the perfect place to understand the enemy of your soul has placed a PERSONAL attack again you.  Why?  Look at 2 Kings 6:8, “Now the king of Aram WAS AT WAR WITH ISRAEL.”  So, this king decides to attack the children of Israel WHO BELONG TO GOD!  You are a target for the enemy when you choose to love God.  No matter if you have only been saved for an hour or ten years the enemy of your soul will attack you.  Yet, there is no reason to panic!  Yet, this is what the enemy desires to keep our heart in.  He will attack your peace, your ability to think clearly, and keep your heart in a state of panic.    

 So, what has you in a state of panic?  Keep in mind, we will face different seasons in our life and in our marriage but it doesn’t mean we are alone.  What is completely beautiful about the story found in 2 Kings 6:8-22; we get insight on how the enemy fights.  First, we must understand he has a strategic plan to be carried out by his army.  Satan is looking for the attack!  (1 Peter 5:8)  Yet, God’s Word tells us in the passage of 1 Peter 5:8 to be sober-minded and alert of our enemy.  A sober-mind is able to think clearly, discern, and be calm during the attack of the enemy.  Secondly, Elisha was able to discern the battle plan of the king of Aram.  God didn’t want the children of Israel to be attacked; He protected the children of Israel at every turn.  He not only protected the children of Israel; He frustrated the plans of the enemy.  According to verse 11, the king of Aram was ENRAGED and believed a mole was within his midst.  God is completely aware of the enemy’s schemes and attacks.  The king of Israel listened and obeyed the instructions of Elisha.  So, it’s important to realize the important of not only our prayer life but the ability to walk in the Spirit.  God will ALWAYS speak to us but we have to be still to hear Him.  Also, when He speaks we listen and obey.  Next, the battle plan grew more intense; the king of Aram had a personal vendetta against Elisha.  However, look at how his plan un-folded: he found out where he lived, he wanted to destroy him, and sent strong forces in the night.  Keep in mind, the enemy carried out his plan while Elisha was sleeping.  It wasn’t until he was awake; he found the enemy at his doorstep completely surrounded.  That’s how the enemy wants you to feel completely surrounded with no escape in sight.  He isn’t naïve to who you are or your address!  So, the question is how do you “see” the situation?

 Elisha and his servant saw the same situation but each had a different outcomeElisha’s servant was in a state of panic and afraid of what to do.  That’s what the enemy wants us to do is be in a state of panic and afraid; he wants us to look at the physical situation.  It’s impossible to overcome in our own ability or strength because the forces against are strong.  Yet, as Elisha said, “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”  Beloved, you are able to be a mighty warrior because your Commander in Chief doesn’t sleep or slumber.  Not only is He aware of the battle again you; He is ready to attack!  As God instructed Elisha how to attack his enemies; God will do the same for you.  It’s just being un-shakeable in your faith in the God you know and love.            

Saturday, June 9, 2018


"Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned.  Three times I was shipwrecked.  Once I spent a whole night and day a drift at sea."  2 Corinthians 11:25

The Apostle Paul experience severe persecution and hardships for his faith in Christ; although he once persecuted the church.  As a believer, I pray I am able to stand strong as the Apostle Paul when my faith has been tested.  Not only was Paul's conversion miraculous; the testimony of honoring Christ was truly shown in his life.  How do we know?  Well, Paul wrote a very good portion of the New Testament.  What an amazing and powerful work of the Holy Spirit!  Yet, may we never forget God's working in our lives; a powerful work to bring glory to God.
Nevertheless, I can't seem to get this metaphor out of my head spoken from a spiritual mentor in my life.  "Tina, your heart has been shattered."  "It's been shipwrecked by the shore."  "What are you going to do with it?"  "Are you just going to sit by the shoreline?"  "Or do you want to re-build the boat and begin again?"  Since graduating from college, it hasn't been smooth sailing.  Honestly, I didn't expect it to be, I wasn't naive about the call of God upon my life.  My precious Savior wasn't spared disappointment, ridicule, was spit upon, and crucified.  So, I expected persecution, people misunderstand the role of women in church, and my life being carefully watched.  Yet, I was willing to give my life; Christ called me to preach.  It has been my drive to honor Christ with my life; one day to lay a crown of worship at His feet.   

Matthew 10:24 says, "The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master."  

I have never been beaten with rods, stoned, shipwrecked, or spent a night a drift at sea.  Yet, my heart has taken a severe beating, I am truly shocked of the wreckage.  I am overwhelmed with the aftermath of the damage of my heart; my faith is the weakest in my life.  Sadly, as leaders we are not allowed to show our hearts, our weakness, or our struggles with our faith.  It's difficult to keep offering Biblical Counsel or the Word to watch someone ignore your warnings or assistance.  Understand, it's Biblical to live a life of approach but I am afraid the spirit of "being perfect" has robbed our leaders.  It's robbed leaders of truly being truthful or to seek accountability, joy of serving Christ or others, and brought utter loneliness.  At this moment, the wreckage has left me completely speechless, I can't speak.  I can't move.  It's difficult to breath.  My heart is shattered in a million pieces about to drift out into the sea.  Who will gather it?  Who will help me pick-up the pieces?  

A vessel only has two fold purpose: to be poured out and re-filled.  It's truly the heart of a minister who longs to serve.  It's investing in the broken lives of people who need Jesus.  It's an investment of your time, money, and your complete heart.  Also, if your married and have children, it's important to nourish and protect those relationships.  Nevertheless, the call of God doesn't escape your families sacrifice.  Oh, it's a balancing act for sure; it was instilled very quickly while in Bible College.  Yet, what do you do when the vessel is broken?   I understood the cost-my personal cost.  Yet, what has broken my heart has been the damage to my family.  As a wife and mother, I have carefully and prayerfully watched where my family is spiritually.  It's more important than ministry; it's a calling from God as well.  With mounting past disappointments in ministry, a recent tragic event upon one of my children, another child who has backslid-den and the fire of God slowly leaving my husband's heart.  I am pausing to reflect, pray, and waiting on God to move within there hearts.  The waves have taken a beating; I am shattered on the shore.  Do I doubt God's promises or His Word?  Never!  Yet, I keep looking with my heart, "Lord, what did I do wrong?"  "Where did I miss your guidance or direction?  

Am I able to risk the salvation of my household?  Am I willing to allow the call of God to divide my marriage?  Oh, the tug of war within my heart!  To honor my husband or follow the call of the Beloved, the one I love most.  My beloved who I cherish above all and desire to please the most.  What about when I give an account for my life; it creates a deep fear within my heart to disappointed God.  Yet, this tug of war is leaving me joyless, frustrated, and completely tired.  At the moment, I can hold to what I know to be true.  Nothing gives me more joy than to serve the Lord, I love it.  To be a co-laborer with Christ at the altar, it's my favorite place to be.  Also, to share the Word with those who are hungry to hear it.  It's a personal call to follow Christ, where He leads I will follow.  Our walk of faith will never mirror someone else's; it will be different for each of us.  

Yet, the wreckage is leaving a question if I will re-build the boat or will I remain at the shore?  No one truly understands the strength, prayer, and belief it took to make it to shore.  Elijah went into the cave because of fear; God didn't call him there.  (I Kings 19:11-13)  Yet, I understand why he sought refuge there.  What brought the great prophet out?  It wasn't the earthquake, the mighty wind, or the fire.  Only the voice and presence of God drew him out to the entrance of the cave.  It was the soft, beautiful, and loving voice of God.  That's what I am waiting for, hunger for, and refuse to move until He speaks.  A smoldering wick He will not snuff out.......although I am close.  Yet, I must allow God to mend the pieces; a work I so desperately need.

Friday, March 16, 2018


 When we accepted Jesus Christ into our lives; we accepted the invitation to walk by faith.  According to the Word, "The righteous shall walk by faith." It's a very exciting journey; it's a personal journey to walk with Jesus.  Yet, our walk with Jesus will not be the same as everyone else's.  Our journey and our departure on this earth will not be the same as anyone else's; it's our very own personal walk with Jesus.  We will all face hardships, trials, and tests but faith will not be true; unless it's tried.  

Hebrews 11:33-35 says, "who through faith CONQUERED kingdoms, ADMINISTRATED justice, and GAINED what was promised; who shut the mouth of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who because POWERFUL in battle and routed foreign armies.  Women received back their dead, raised to life again.  Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection."   

Regardless of where we walk; it's only conquered through faith.    

Romans 1:17 says, "For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." 
If we truly want God to reveal His righteousness; it's found in His Word.  Faith isn't just the belief of taking God at His Word.  It's a living action-we move in response to it.  Sadly, so many people want to "claim" or "stand" on the Word but don't responded to it.  Your deeds and the words you speak will reveal what you believe.  James 2:18 says, not complemented by action, is dead.  So, can our faith be evident to the lives of others?  Absolutely!  " But someone will say, "I have faith and I have deeds."  "Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds." James 2:18-19
"So too, faith by itself, if it is not complemented by action, is dead." James 2:17.   
 Sadly, so many people don't encounter breakthrough or deliverance because they are un-willing to do what God's Word says.  Or truly believe what He said; fear has blocked there ability to see clearly.  We have allowed the wind to speak louder; than the voice of Jesus.  Faith will cause us to throw the stone towards the giant's head.  Jesus didn't ask Peter to dip his toe in the water.  He said, "Come." (Matthew 14:29)  
Peter didn't listen to how crazy it sounded?  Yes, it was a different experience!  Who ever walked on water?  Peter didn't have time to ask for counsel or from the expertise of others.  It was a personal invitation from Jesus!  Only Jesus and Peter were able to experience walking on water.  Yet, didn't all of the disciples hear the voice of Jesus?  We can choose to remain in our tradition, our fear, or we can walk towards the face of Jesus.  
 What is blocking your ability to see?  Fear is truly a power tool of the enemy to torment the mind; it's blocking faith to emerge.  In Matthew 14:22-31, only one person had a transforming life experience with Jesus ; while eleven watched it.  Jesus was preparing the disciples for a revelation of the Son of God; He was doing something different than expected-He walked on water.  Yet, all of the disciples were afraid or believed it was a ghost.  Sadly, they couldn't see through their fear who He was.  It was only when Jesus spoke; Peter's faith arose.  Jesus placed the disciples in the circumstance but only one got a true revelation!  Keep in mind, Jesus prayed before coming to the disciples.  So, it's a comforting thought, he was praying for them before this test.  Oh, I am so grateful Jesus is praying for me!  Yet, Jesus wants to speak directly to us about our fear.  He doesn't want us to remain in this state, He will speak words of comfort, "Take courage!  It is I.  Don't be afraid." "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, tell me to come to you on the water."  Jesus said, "Come."
It's the same invitation to us: will we come?  I don't want to remain in the boat with the others shaking in fear; I want to see Jesus, himself.  When we are walking through the un-familiar of life it feels so dark-but Jesus is still coming to our aid in the storm.  Jesus didn't leave the disciples to face the storm alone.  Jesus came to reveal Himself as the Son of God with truth, power, and assurance.  During this storm it's tempting to allow the wind to cause us alarm.  Yet, it was the voice of Jesus that arose the faith in Peter.  When Peter faced Jesus; he could walk towards Him.  But WHEN HE SAW the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sin, cried out, "Lord save me!"
  So, are you staring at the wind or the face of Jesus?  Both can move us but only one can save us!  Quit allowing fear to rob your life of new adventures, walking in what God has said , and tormenting your mind.  Quit trying to convince yourself of the impossible task in front of you.  Quite yourself in His love.  Allow Jesus to speak into your heart, so your faith will arise to action.