If you want to
move the heart of person, speak the Word of God. Nothing will transform, heal, or bring truth
to change the situation expect the power of God’s Word. It’s truly what changed my life! God’s Word is the richest treasure I possess,
it’s filled my heart with life. Yet, I
also hold another book dear to my heart, it’s my purple journal. Why is this journal so important to me? It holds every prophetic promise ever spoken
over my life and Scriptures during my prayer time with God. Its truth for my life or precious reminders when I am wrestling with believing them. During my
difficult moments of doubt, trials, or when the enemy tempts me to quit I will
read those precious words to encourage myself in the Lord. We must understand our life is a journey but the promises of God will keep us on the right path.
As I have been
waiting for God’s promise to come, God has been preparing me to receive
it. It’s a Scriptural principle
displayed in the life of anyone who you study in Scripture. Inside her womb Rebekah was very
uncomfortable and she inquired of the Lord about it. When she inquired of the Lord, He spoke a
prophetic word about the twins inside her womb. (Genesis 25:23) Instead of trusting God to bring the prophetic
promise into Jacob’s life, Rebekah deceived her husband and taught her son to
do the same. As a result of their
unwillingness to trust God, it destroyed their family. Esau lost not only his birthright but his
blessing through Jacob’s deception. As a
result Esau wanted to kill Jacob for his deception, so he had to flee. Fleeing from your sins will lead you to a
place of isolation from family, friends, and into the desert. Yet, what’s so remarkable God is greater than
the desert we enter. God spoke to Jacob
in a dream about his life. (Genesis
28:10-15) God will give us dreams and
visions to follow, so we run after Him.
Nevertheless, God’s transforming us through the process so the dream
turns into a reality.
Before our weekly
Bible study my husband and I were sharing with our pastor about a house we
wanted to buy. We couldn’t wait to place
our offer on it but it wouldn’t be until the following day. As our Bible class got started, I was trying
to find a passage of Scripture on my phone to share, I forgot my Bible. So, I went into the sanctuary to get a Bible,
so I could read it. As I was walking
back into the class, I found a dollar bill inside. My facial expression looked confusing to my husband but he didn't inquire. So, I walked over to my pastor, I slid the
dollar near his hand. I wasn’t focused
on the dollar bill but the Word. When
pastor looked at it he said, “Tina, this if for you!” Read what’s on the dollar bill. It read, “You have been blessed.” At that moment my heart was rejoicing! God’s promise was upon me! Nevertheless, it hasn’t been an easy journey
to get to the blessing but it’s been worth it.
Jacob had to
learn how to handle the blessings before he could inherit the promise. It was a journey started with an encounter with
God at Bethel, training under his father-in-law, and eventually lead to his
promised destination. Jacob’s promised
destination was his homeland. God’s
always on the road to bring reconciliation to our life’s but we have to
confront "our Esau." Oh, we don’t want to
confront Esau! It’s a reminder of who we
deceived, hurt, and painful memories of the past.
Keep in mind several years have passed, Esau and Jacob have married and
have children. Yet, Rebekah never called
back for Jacob, it was God who led him back.
It’s not always
easy to close the door of our past but we must if we want to enter the
future. Jacob’s fear brought him to his
knees; Esau was coming with an army of men.
So, Jacob prepares for the worst, he divides his flocks, herds, camels,
and his family. If we truly want the
blessings of God, we must understand an important fact-they come with a
price. Are you willing to pay the price
for the blessing? What if God asks you
to make amends with your family? Or work
for your father-in-law’s business? If we
want the blessings of God, we have to walk where God instructs us. Or are we really willing to to wrestle in prayer for a
night? Jacob wanted God’s protection,
promise, and provision for his family but he had to be changed to receive
it. Read Jacob’s prayer in Genesis
Humility causes us to realize we don't have the power to change the circumstances, we have to seek the Lord. If our circumstances cause us to fall upon our knees; we are in position for victory.
Humility causes us to realize we don't have the power to change the circumstances, we have to seek the Lord. If our circumstances cause us to fall upon our knees; we are in position for victory.
Jacob went to a place called Jabbok (which
means wrestle) to be alone in the dark. So, what's causing darkness to enter your life? Do you feel alone in this dark hour? When the night is cold, dark, and tiresome it's time to wrestle with God! Each day is filled with new opportunity, to grow deeper in our relationship with God, and to receive God's blessing but we have to be in position.
All of Jacob's thoughts were worrisome, coming to face his mistakes, and the responsibility of protecting of his family weighted heavy upon him. He sent his family and possessions ahead of him, he wanted to be alone. He was trying to make plans without consulting God's will or remembering what God promised. Being alone with God is so vital; he learn how to wrestle in prayer until he touched God. So, many questions, so many doubts, and burdens would be lifted if we learned to seek God until peace is found. It seems we no longer what to pray through; we just what a "bless you." If we truly want to be blessed or favored of God, we must be changed. Our heart must be so hungry for God we will wrestle until daybreak. Light comes only when we receive the light!
Yet, it's at daybreak, we realize God was always present! He was with us during our darkest night! He didn't leave our side, He was so close. Although our desperation caused us to fall upon our knees; we arise walking in blessing for touching Him. Jacob's identity was change; he had a new name-Israel which means "triumphant with God." Dreams are God's handiwork to drive us to hunger for His will but the greatest change is our heart. It's only when we allow God to change our lives, our enemies can't touch us. No matter if the past is brought up, it doesn't define who I am. Nevertheless, the true change of my life will be evident when we met, our enemies will see our blessings. How do we know Jacob was really changed? Jacob’s hands wanted to give a blessing to his brother, he returned what he stole.
All of Jacob's thoughts were worrisome, coming to face his mistakes, and the responsibility of protecting of his family weighted heavy upon him. He sent his family and possessions ahead of him, he wanted to be alone. He was trying to make plans without consulting God's will or remembering what God promised. Being alone with God is so vital; he learn how to wrestle in prayer until he touched God. So, many questions, so many doubts, and burdens would be lifted if we learned to seek God until peace is found. It seems we no longer what to pray through; we just what a "bless you." If we truly want to be blessed or favored of God, we must be changed. Our heart must be so hungry for God we will wrestle until daybreak. Light comes only when we receive the light!
Yet, it's at daybreak, we realize God was always present! He was with us during our darkest night! He didn't leave our side, He was so close. Although our desperation caused us to fall upon our knees; we arise walking in blessing for touching Him. Jacob's identity was change; he had a new name-Israel which means "triumphant with God." Dreams are God's handiwork to drive us to hunger for His will but the greatest change is our heart. It's only when we allow God to change our lives, our enemies can't touch us. No matter if the past is brought up, it doesn't define who I am. Nevertheless, the true change of my life will be evident when we met, our enemies will see our blessings. How do we know Jacob was really changed? Jacob’s hands wanted to give a blessing to his brother, he returned what he stole.