Friday, December 24, 2021


"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord should be praised." Proverbs 31:30

When I walked across the street of my uncle and aunt's house, I wasn't prepared for my final meeting with my aunt at the funeral home.  The funeral director met me at the door.  She said, "we prepared a special room for you."  I humbly thanked her and wasn't sure how to feel.  As I opened the door, I saw her casket at the need of the room.  I froze in dismay; I didn't want it to be true.  As I stepped closer to her, I could feel my heart deflate or stepped upon.  As I finally made it to the first pew of chairs, I was very shocked at the music selection of the funeral home--instrumental hymns played with piano music only.  My first reaction was, "Seriously, do you have any idea what you did?" Oh, my tears poured like a river, I couldn't prevent it.  Nevertheless, what I did may astound you or someone who doesn't know our story or her precious talents.  My final meeting with my aunt was worshipping the Lord together, it was profound.  It was perfect and God ordained.  Also, what she would have wanted me to do.  

 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)

What a precious promise to show God never abandons us especially in grief. In the Word of God, we are promised the Holy Spirit will come as a Comforter to us. (John 14:16) Regardless of how long we live upon this earth, there will be a time under Heaven to mourn. (Ecclesiastes 3:4) 
Even in the depth of this pain, we have a promise of never being alone and comforted. It's not a sin to mourn, it's a process of allowing God to work through the pain. It's important to allow God to work during this time, He will minister to your spirit. Although the tears may be many, He bottles them. (Psalm 56:8)

All the steps of our lives have a purpose but none are without His presence.

God's Word's is eternal but it's also a blessed gift passed down from one generation to the next.  It will never pass away!  Yet, the vessel God uses to pour into your life, it will mark your life.  

Sadly, we will experience pain in this life, but we will experience love as well.  A gentle, peaceful, loving, and anointed woman of God was before me when I first met her.  Besides being the church pianist and organ player, she taught the Word of God.  She was powerful, anointed, and never apologize for preaching the truth.  During my youth she played a vital role in teaching me how to study the Word, how to pray through, and discipled me.  Yet, she was only one of the few people who I could share my intimate struggles or allowed to speak into my life.  Also, disciplined me, when necessary, I would always listen to her.  It was either her or my mother who God used to nurture me in the faith.  So, the final service together was necessary and profound.

As Elisha waited for the mantel of Elijah departure, I could understand the significance.  It’s truly how I felt at this moment.  Yet, how can I honor her?   No words, feelings, or actions can express my deepest desire.  My heart is filled with so many memories of laughter, prayer, and love.  How do I fill your shoes? Or how do I take the mantel? 

Although she had no biological children, I felt as if I was one of hers.  Even when I couldn’t share my own struggles with my mother, I could trust her with my heart.  Usually during our conversations, she would give a simple and profound word to me, I treasured them.  The two weeks during the summer I would stay with her and my uncle, we would pray, study the Word and listening to Gather’s Worship music.  Also, dinner out and shopping was a must to complete the visit.  I never once questioned if she loved me or believed in me, she was my mentor and hero. 

Her music ability is profound, I loved to listen to her play the piano as she worshipped the Lord.  Nevertheless, the greatest gift she gave me was her love for the Word and how to study it.  Also, the endless nights of prayer to intercede with me for my burdens.  She was a godly example, never had an ill word toward anyone, and loved to talk.

My favorite quote from my aunt, “Only two people are needed for revival: you and God.”  “So, wrestle in prayer until you touch God.”  “Revival is closer than you think.”

Honor is thanking someone who invested in your life, following the lessons of the teacher, and passing the baton to the next generation.  It doesn’t allow it to fall but to grasp it until the race is done.  As Paul said, "Follow me as I follow Christ." That's how I will honor you. I will preach the truth, walk in the Spirit, and love as you taught me.
Until we met again….