"I exist not to be loved and admired, but to love and act." "It is not the duty of those around me to love me." Rather, it is my duty to be concerned about the world, about man." ~ Janusz Karczak

This quote sits on my desk, but I feel it perfectly describes one of the greatest men I have ever known. As the eldest son of his family, my uncle always felt a sense of love and duty to others, especially his family. Unfortunately, a tragic event for his family would occur, and leadership was desperately needed. Being the eldest comes with being an example to the younger siblings, it is usually the natural order of life or expectation. The call to lead does not come with an angelic host of angels, it comes with seeing the need or opportunity. Nevertheless, the path of our lives will impact others for either good or bad, the choice is directed by your own feet. Blame can not be placed upon anyone else, your feet will follow what you believe?
“When love and duty are one then grace is within your soul.”~Shannon L. Adler
What is in your heart? What moves your soul? It is not only a matter of personal choice but of personal conviction. So, the question emerges who are listening to, your mentor in life, who are you following? Even more so, who are your friends or the ones who dine with you? Even the ones who break bread with you; may not have your best interest at heart, remember even Judas dined with Jesus and the disciples. Is it interesting how Judas is always remembered for his betrayal, not being a part of the twelve?
During his teenage years, my uncle happened to fall in love with a beautiful young woman. Her family was aware of my uncle's feelings and affection for their daughter, it was granted at the proper time to date. He respected her parents' wishes when he could date her, but her parent's love and duty to their Savior impacted him. From his future father and mother-in-law, my uncle was loved unconditionally by this family to fulfill the greatest need of any man - to be loved by God. Out of this love, my uncle felt compelled not only to serve the Lord but others. Responsibility, leadership, character, integrity, and love were carefully chiseled not only from the trauma of his childhood but transformed upon the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
What is the measure of a man? It is a question debated by scholars, philosophers,
or great thinkers throughout the world but God's Word states the truth. Although it is not the most popular book in the Bible, 1 & 2 Kings or 1 & 2 Chronicles it has a proper order and purpose to chronicle the lives of the kings of Israel. Either two things could be said of the kings: he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord or who did right in the sight of the Lord. Out of all the records, only eight did right in the sight of the Lord.
The measure of a man can be debated by man, but it will not be judged by man but by God alone. Our opinions may vary, our measurements may differ, and our hearts can be easily misled due to appearance, wisdom, or strength, man looks for a measurement to compare or compete. 1 Samuel 16: 7, "But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
The heart of man is the most perplexing but it is the most truthful instrument of what a person believes, their words will reveal it. Sadly, people are not educated enough to understand this principle or heed the truth of Jesus. Words of a man will not only reveal the character of the man, but integrity as well. Both need to be evaluated to verify the person is worth following or even knowing, a person needs to ponder this. If we just say it is my life who is it hurting? We neglect not only our responsibility but misguide others in the process. A lack of maturity may be the reason, but more often it is for the selfish quest to neglect the importance of life.
Our lives will be evaluated one day before the Lord, it can be a frightening thought, but it is very true. What will be revealed before the Lord? The measure of this man will be great before the Lord. How do I know? Scripture reveals the truth if only we will humble ourselves to listen to it. It is not only those who listen to it but obey it. He obeyed the Word of the Lord.
A beautiful fact about my uncle, he never had any children of his own, but the legacy he left is too numerous to count, I am blessed to be one of them. My favorite memories are of my uncle praying with me before I would preach for the anointing of God to fall afresh. After he would pray, he would say, "Tina, give it to them, give them the Word!" When I would leave the pulpit, to walk next to the organ, my aunt would smile with tears of joy upon her face. The first face I would see as I walked from the platform would be my uncle who smiled with pride for my obedience to God. The most cherished last words of my uncle, I love and I pray for you.

He served the Lord with fervor, fear, and dedication to understanding his life was not his own. He faithfully loved the Lord and my Aunt Elaine until his final breath. Yet, the legacy he left, his entire family came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as well. Still, his legacy leaves on, our faith will always be what has united us, keeps us, and one day reunites us. What a beautiful life! He served his country, his wife, his family, and his Savior with love and duty. He is the measure of a godly man who did good in the sight of the Lord. Until we meet again...I love you, Uncle Ed.