Although God called a nation to himself, it’s seems those who followed were few. As he led the children of God, they didn’t always follow the instructions of the Lord. In the midst of the nation, some followed closely, others refused to humble, and some were killed for their rebellion to God’s word. It wasn’t an easy calling but God prepared Moses for it. Keep in mind; Satan has always tried to keep God’s children bond from receiving their promise, delusional to the truth, and imprison their lives with bondage. As Satan tried to rule the children of God through Pharaoh’s leadership, God heard the cry of his people. As Pharaoh was trying to prevent Israel from overpowering him, God sent a babe down the Nile by His mighty hand. As Pharaoh’s daughter opened her heart to the baby, God was preparing to destroy this nation. As her hands received Moses, she received judgment on her house. Although the children of Israel were broken, imprisoned to slavery, and oppressed. God’s desire for his children was freedom.
Although Moses was prepared, educated, and grafted into the pharaoh lineage, his heart was stirred from the injustice of his nation. As Moses learned the truth, it stirred anger within. He saw injustice to his nation, so he tried to demolish it within his strength. In the eyes of Pharaoh, Moses attacked the wrong people, against the leadership of his home, and brought shame. Although his past was tainted with horrible transgressions, Moses hid in his shame and from judgment of Pharaoh. Moses was prepared, educated, and grafted into the pharaoh lineage but he refused to accept it or be a part of it. He wanted a solution but wasn't sure what to do.
Moses hid in the desert from the hand of Pharaoh who eventually died. While in the desert, Moses prepares a new life in a foreign place. In the house of Jethro, Moses found peace, prosperity, and a true identity. As the cries of Israel were pleading for help, God was preparing Moses for his calling in a desert. Why would God pick a desert to train a leader? In the desert, one learns to die to himself. In the desert, the heart is revealed with the truth. Although Moses was a Hebrew by blood, he wasn’t a Hebrew in heart. Yes, his heart was stirred for the people but it wasn’t stirred towards God.
While attending his daily chores of attending sheep, God reveals himself to Moses.
It was a very unique way to gain the attention of Moses, flames of fire from within a bush.
As the fire burned, it didn’t burn the bush.
The fire of God caught the attention of Moses, so he moved to inquire about it.
As Moses drew closer to God, the Lord called out to him by name.
Into the holiness of God, he had to remove his sandals.
This is very powerful!
As you study ancient history, sandals were symbolic of ownership or transferring property.
Only in someone’s home or sacred place were the shoes removed.
It was a sign of humility, honor, and respect to the person.
The glory of God shown to humble the heart of Moses to accept the Great I am.
Only in the presence of God will mankind humble themselves, it’s what’s so needed in our churches.
The glory of God is slipping away from our churches for our unwillingness to “remove our sandals”- our ownership.
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
Humility is the only access to the power of God.
We can’t rely on ourselves to conquer the world; we have to lay our lives down to be empowered.
Does God see the transgressions, misery of our people?
Yes, he does.
Our Heavenly Father longs to set us free, bring peace, and prosperity but we are called.
As children of God, we represent the “Great I Am”, the only true God who will empower us, walk with us, and fulfill His desire for His people.
We can’t give God our excuses; we have to accept the call to lead others to Christ.
Moses was willing to step back into the enemies’ camp to rescue his people, will we? We can’t walk afraid, uncertain, but a firm faith in God. “No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you or forsake you. (Joshua 1:5) If we are willing to step out, God will show up with His mighty hand. He will bring healing, deliverance, and provision for His people. One man humbled himself under the mighty hand of God to bring deliverance to his people. Moses allowed the presence of God to change him, may it be the same with us. If we want our nation to change, the presence of God must be sought and allowed to operate.
Is our nation’s condition stirring you? Satan is gaining a foothold; it’s time to break his bondage. Our children are without the knowledge of God’s power within our midst. As a Pentecostal, I am tired of reading stories of great revivals; it’s time to be a revival. We need to allow the Word of God to burn within our souls; it will either refine us or burn us. I choose to allow the presence of God to refine me, the Word of God to equip me, and the Spirit of God to empower me. One voice, I have. Although I have one voice, I can change history because I serve the Great I am.