Recently at the dinner table, my family expressed their concern about my lack of involvement with the family. Yes, I was present physically but my heart was elsewhere. All of my daily responsibilities were complete but my family felt deprived. So, I finally had to explain to my children what was wrong. Although I expressed my troubles with my children, I still couldn’t express my fear. I am the adult, the responsible one who is supposed to be strong. Yet, my world was collapsing around me.
Since I was a child, I always desired a healthy relationship with my father. When I got married or had children, I desired for my father to be involved with my life. Our relationship has never been close, so I have learned to accept it. Also, I have to protect myself from allowing his alcoholic episodes to destroy me, until a few days ago. While at work, I received several calls, text messages, and voicemails to urgently call home. After excusing myself, I returned my mother’s phone call. (My parent's are divorced, she heard from his family) As I listened closed, my heart was breaking. My father was in the hospital, he was very sick. For several weeks, my father couldn’t keep food or water down, his weight was drastically dropping. Out of cries of desperation, my aunt was able to talk him into visiting the hospital. As we waited for the test results, I couldn’t “feel” anything. It seemed all of my hopes, dreams, and life was slipping away. Besides the fear of losing my father, I worried about his eternal soul. As a Christian, I have shared the Gospel message with my father on several occasions. It’s not only my responsibility; it’s my calling to share it. Has the message been received? Only my father and God can truly express the truth. As we got the news, “he has cancer,” the Lord reminded me of Hezekiah.

I Peter 3:12 “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

"God is attentive to the prayers of the righteous; He is attentive to the cries." All of us have felt this feeling of desperation...well, ok, I can't say all of us, but i know I have. It's overwhelming and it's destructive...but, you said it...you wrote it...it's right there in black and white... God is attentive to the prayers of the righteous; he is attentive to the cries. He hears you...he hears your heart...and he heels and he rescues and he lifts up...what the world may mean for bad, he can make glorious!!! Ever trial is an opportunity to learn more and lean more, to God!!!