Friday, November 25, 2011

Unshakeable Faith

Upon the faces of my people, I see emptiness within their eyes.  Without a word being spoken, their eyes reveal the fear within their heart.  Our nation’s crisis is the topic of conversation because it’s what’s upon our mind.  Although it’s a fact, our nation is in a crisis.  Yet, it’s in the midst of crisis we learn what we believe and who we can trust.  Our choices brought this destruction upon us, so we must face them.  Although the hour of hope seems bleak, I will not waver in waiting for God’s promise: He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh.  Revival will come again but only if our hearts our steadfast in God.
     One of favorite professors in college said, “The church is a hospital: a place where the dying find life, the broken find healing, and the lost are found.”  Yet, as I have grown in the Lord, my heart is troubled with what I see.  As the church stands amidst a broken people, they are shouting the truth-Jesus saves.  Our shouts are being ignored: we have preached without compassion, power of the Spirit, and offered to mend their brokenness. As the church, we believe our message but she doesn’t know the power of the Messenger. 
     The church was founded on the day of Pentecost where the Spirit of God fell.  Do we realize the church was founded by the Spirit?  So, what makes us think we can survive without it?  We need to allow God’s presence in our midst; it’s the only way anything will change.  Yet, are we expecting God to do what He promised?  What are we expecting?  As Abraham in Romans 4:18-22, I desire to have faith credited as righteous before God.  Abraham considered the facts: he couldn’t physically fulfill God’s promise.  Besides being too old, Abraham’s wife couldn’t offer any hope, her womb is closed.  Also, she is near the age of Abraham.  Yet, Abraham refused to allow the voice of unbelief to steal his promise.  So, we must follow the faith of Abraham if we desire America to change or to receive God’s promise for ourselves. 
     Well, if we want to understand faith, we need to know the definition.  If I were to define faith-it is the unshakeable confidence that God will do what He said. Sadly, many people misunderstand what faith is.  Faith is established from a personal relationship with God.  Faith will not grow unless it’s nurtured in the source.  Faith isn’t just a belief in God’s creation or existence.  The demons believe in God and tremble with fear.  (James 2:19)
          The ultimate reward of our faith is God, so it’s established in Him.  Yet, we have to abide in Christ, so we can receive all of God’s promises. Genesis 15:1 states, “After This, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram.  I am your shield your very great reward.”   The complete Word of God is powerful by itself; it’s only when we place our faith in God will His power be manifested in our lives.  It’s important to understand the power of faith, so we must protect it with all diligence.  Doubt, unbelief, and fear will whisper with our hearts to try to stop our faith.  We have to resist Satan’s voice or anyone who tries to stir us away from the truth.  Only through the Word of God will our faith grow, it’s built by hearing it. Also, it has to be nutured in the Word. (Hebrews 4:2; Romans 10:17) It’s so vital to daily invest in our faith because the world will do anything to break it.    
     Although we have faith in God, it doesn’t mean we are naïve to our circumstances.  We have to face the facts of the situation.  Yet, our faith in God will demolish any obstacle within our path to conquer the promise.   Before entering the Promised Land, the twelve spies were given the opportunity to inspect the land, touch the bounty of the land, and see the giants. ALL of the men saw the same exact thing, only two had faith in God to receive it.  We can either look at the physical circumstance or have confidence in God’s ability to supply.  What will you choose?  Our faith has the ability to close the mouth of lions, overcome weakness, demolish kingdoms, and silence any enemy.  In Hebrews 11, we can truly get encouraged through the lives of those who were confident in God.  All of the great heroes of the Bible faced difficulties, persecution, various temptations but GOD NEVER LEFT THEM.   He always walked with them, loved them, and protected them.  All of them faced difficulties but their victories were contributed to their unshakeable confidence in God’s ability to do what He promised.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Anointed Manna: One Voice

Anointed Manna: One Voice: Sometimes, it's hard to stand up for what is right BUT I choose to stand even if it's alone. A voice can't be heard unless words are spoke...

One Voice

Sometimes, it's hard to stand up for what is right BUT I choose to stand even if it's alone.  A voice can't be heard unless words are spoken, so it's important for our words to be anointed by the Holy Spirit.  As a minister, people expect for me to have "a word" from the Lord on a regular basis.  Nevertheless, it's important for the church to be a voice of truth with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  In one account, the disciples were recognized for being with Jesus for the words they spoke.  Acts 4:13 when they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.  TO BE WITH JESUS!  It's a powerful statement but can the same be said of us?  The early church or disciples only followed what Jesus taught them.  These men walked with the same anointing as Jesus, the sick were being healed.  Although it was a miracle of God, those of authority question it.  As these bold men shared the Gospel, the officials question whose authority or right they had?  Yet doesn't the world today question everything to do with God?  Nevertheless, these disciples spoke the truth through the boldness of the Spirit.  A decision was to be made; they choose to be a voice despite the opposition or ridicule.  Not only were these men heard but their lives showed evidence of being with the King of Kings.  May it be said of us, these men or women were with Jesus!  
     John the Baptist was called to be a voice to prepare the way of the Lord.  Although John was chosen, he still had a choice to obey or disobey.  If the church is to be a voice, we have to share the Gospel.  If we speak, we speak the Word of God. "I Peter 4:11, "If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen" 
     I am one voice but I will declare the truth of God's Word without compromise, with power of the Holy Spirit, and with my life.  I can't do everything but I am a voice.  Someone can't hear the Gospel unless it's preached, so be a voice.  If one voice stands for truth, it will impact this world.  If one voice touches one heart to follow God, it can change a family, a community, a church, or this nation.
     I am one voice who will speak to impact one, so it will not only start a reaction but a spark.  If a spark is all that needs to start a fire, I pray God places a spark within me so I will light this world.  If you think about it, the church was founded on the Day of Pentecost after a command from Christ to wait until they received the Spirit.  It wasn’t only a command but it was a gift from the Father to empower them to do what Jesus instructed.  Keep in mind, the early church didn’t have television, computers, or telephones.  It was only with their feet could the Gospel be proclaimed.  We have a world hurting in desperation for hope, healing, and deliverance.  As the church, we declare the message but we don’t allow God to move.  It’s in the presence of God where joy is found. 
     Maybe it’s just because I am just tired of church being about our agenda instead of God’s.  If we want the hurting to enter our doors, we have to have the oil, love, and servant’s heart to meet the physical.  Our nation has seen enough religion but they haven’t seen enough of God’s power.  The early church walked with the boldness of the Spirit because they were filled with the Spirit.  We can’t impact a spiritual world without the spirit.  A gun doesn’t have the ability to shoot unless it’s armed with ammunition, it’s powerless to function.  Our church (the body of Christ) is powerless without the Spirit, she will only be a monument instead of a movement.  The early church was a movement invading the darkness of sin, demolishing the powers of the oppressed, and grew daily.
     It’s time to be a voice, to prepare the way of the Lord.  Our nation needs revived but are we willing to sacrifice our time, our monies, and hearts to see it.  Regardless of whom you study in scripture: Elijah, Elisha, Paul, Peter, Deborah, Samson, Miriam and David.  Each person made an impact through being a voice with an anointing of God to conquer kingdoms, heal the sick, destroy kingdoms, walk on water, and transform their world.  (Hebrews 11) It’s time to be a voice not only with word but with the Spirit.