During gym class or childhood games, many of us can recall two children selecting who would be the best for their teams. As each child was called out, it usually was from the strongest to the weakest. Or the most popular to the unpopular child, those dreadful times of waiting to be selected. Can you recall those innocent prayers? Oh, Lord! Please don’t let Suzie be on our team or don’t let them pick me. On the other hand, the last child remaining would have painful questions what is wrong with me? Why am I always the last one selected?

What’s so amazing, I once didn’t belong to anyone even my own family. Besides being rejected by my peers, my family didn’t see any promising potential. It’s sad but true. This nagging emptiness didn’t fade until I accepted the Lord as my personal Savior. In His presence, I belong. The world can completely pass me by or melt away but my soul will boast in the Lord. Regardless of the battles of life, I am thankful I belong. As a child of God, my heritage is secure with a seal from the Holy Spirit. On the day of redemption, I will inherit my heritage-eternal life.
Sadly, some people never know who they are or where life will lead them. I admit, I don’t have life all figured out but I have the most important part complete. I am a child of God. Since I belong to Him, I have life and a wonderful future ahead whether on earth or in Heaven. If that doesn’t make one thankful, I don’t know what else would.
Ephesians 1:4 states, “For he choose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will
Thanks Tina, great words here. God loves us just the way we are.How awesome is that!