Sin is sin; it
cost our Savior to die whether it was a white lie or murder. What’s the greatest sin? Does God have a scale to measure what is the greatest
or least committed sin by mankind? As I
was reading Genesis recently; I was very surprised at a verse found in Genesis
6:6, “The Lord was grieved that he made man on the earth, and his
heart was filled with pain.”
Have you ever thought of God’s heart filled with pain? It was hurt due to several issues: sons of God were
marrying ungodly women, inclinations of the thoughts of heart were ONLY
evil, and full of violence; and corrupted there ways. (Genesis 6:1-12)
What people do
not understand is our thoughts are just as important as our actions. Sin is birthed in the mind through our OWN
evil desires. James 1:14-15 records, “But
each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged
away and enticed. Then, after desire has
conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth
to death.” Sin destroys not only our
relationship with God but with mankind; this is the truth of the commandments. Yet, sadly it seems we desire to compare our
sinful scars or validate ourselves since we haven’t committed someone else’s
sinful act.
It’s only through
the Word of God is sin defined. “We know
that the law is good if one uses it properly. We also know that law is made not
for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the
unholy and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers
or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and
liars and perjurers-and for whatever else is contrary to the sound
doctrine.” (I Timothy 1:8-10) Doesn't it sound like a rough crowd of people?
sin being defined by God; the Father sent the cure-His Son to die for ALL mankind. Sin has been committed by all; no one is
righteous. (Romans 3:23) Yet, the
penalty of sin has been paid for through the death of Christ. It’s only through the death of Christ we can
be made righteous before God. (Romans
5:19) If you are human,
we all have been tempted by sin even our precious Savior was tempted. (Hebrews
4:15) Only Christ is the only one who was tempted in all ways but DIDN’T
SIN. He is our advocate, mediator and
high priest who can sympathize with our weakness. So, we don’t have to be afraid to approach
him regardless of the dark deeds we have done, he just wants us to come.
Although the
Apostle Paul describes himself as “the chief of sinners”, scripture is full of
some interesting characters who have committed some horrifying actions such as
King Manasseh. King Manasseh did evil in
the eyes of the Lord by following the evil practices of the nation. (2 Kings
21:2) What was so evil? Scripture records Manasseh committed the following:
rebuilt the high places, erected altars to Baal, made an Asherah pole, he
bowed down to all the starry hosts and worshipped them, built altars to the starry
hosts in the Lord’s temple, sacrificed his OWN son in the fire, practiced
sorcery and divination, and consulted mediums and spiritists. (2 Kings
21:3-6) Sadly, the list continues
through the chapter by leading the children of Israel astray and his sins were
GREATER than the Amorites. God called
out to Manasseh but he ignored His voice.
What was going to turn Manasseh’s heart?
Manasseh was pulled by a hook in his nose and shackles into the dungeon
of his enemy. (2 Chronicles 33:11) Sin will capture your life with shackles
pulling your soul into the chambers of Hell. As the shackles weighed upon his life; it was
leading him to his prison cell. Was
Manasseh getting righteous judgment by God?
Of course, the penalty of sin was to be paid. God’s holiness will produce righteous judgment
but the judgment issued comes from our choices.
What if King Manasseh entered our church doors? How do you think we would respond? Would we offer grace to this man; a man who murdered
his child, committed idolater, and caused the downfall of a nation? How great is Manasseh’s sin? It is pretty great; there is no argument
here. Yet, there is something
greater! God’s amazing grace! God’s grace covered all of Manasseh’s sin,
restored his life, and his kingdom. What
captured the heart of God? It was a
heart with humility. (2 Chronicles 33:13)
He sought the favor of the Lord in his distress, truly repented by
removing the evil he made, and followed God’s Word.

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