With only a promise and a life changing experience, David returns to be a shepherd under his father to start his preparation. First, David had to learn the PURPOSE of a leader-it's risking your life to save others. Second, he had to learn the call doesn't come without a BATTLE, the enemy will use different weapons to wage war. (Lion/Bears) (I Samuel 17:34) Third, he had to learn WHO to trust in this battles; it wasn't in his own abilities and he couldn't rely on others-he had to learn to trust God. Next, he had to personal experience God's miraculous deliverance, so he gained confidence of WHAT he believes. As his past experiences TAUGHT him, he could run towards his enemy to overtake him. (1 Samuel 17:48)
In Ziklag, David faces opposition not from his enemies but his followers - they want to kill him. Once the "popular boy" the city sang praises about, he is now a wanted man by the king. As the king hunting pursues David for eight years in the desert, he nearly lost it all. He has no homeland, no close friendship, and no normal way of life, so he finds escape in the enemies camp. David serves as a bandit under the Philistine army, he serves faithfully to destroy the Amalekites. David was so faithful to the mission of the Philistine's he would destroy everything in sight: men, women, children, and keep the livestock. (I Samuel 27:8-9) So to add salt to injury, the Philistine rulers have convinced the king to dismiss David from the next assignment because of their fear of him. "Isn't this the David they sang about in their dances: "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens thousands?"

We have to learn, Gods Word is sufficient in our lives. It has the power to transform, empower, and to encourage us. David had to learn to STRENGTHEN himself in the Lord. David had to draw from the SOURCE of his life, God was enough to deliver him. David had a mob of men wanting to kill him, so he couldn't seek for their wisdom or support. He wasn't going to find the support of the sheep, His support was His Shepherd. Only in Ziklag could David learn a valuable lesson God is ENOUGH! Yet, in all of this God had mercy upon David because his enemies didn't destroy him or his family. Also, David and his men were dismissed from the army before anything worse could have happened. David had men who desired to murder him, so what's are you facing today?
What are you facing in the middle of your Ziklag? Are you standing in the middle of ashes with no hope, support, or shelter? Are you questioning if God's promise will come to pass? If all you have is a promise of God; it's all you need. Besides Ziklag meaning "pressed down" or "winding" it also mean's fortress. ( http://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/ziklag/) You are not without HOPE! Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved! As David inquired of the Lord, He found his fortress who strengthened him, answered him, and led the way to destroy the enemies plot. Not only did David get his family back but everything the enemy took from him. (1 Samuel 30:19) So, if you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, it's ok! The rock is all you need to stand secure.
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