Free From Accusation
We all have experienced
being false accused or gossiped in our lives.
It’s not a popular moment we want to share or discuss with others. Especially if some of those accusations are
true in our past, we know what we have done.
Did we “really” do that? Or did that really happen? How can we look at
ourselves in the mirror? Or how do reach
for goals or believe for God’s best in our lives? It’s all about the cross. Although we understand this to be the center
of our faith for eternity, do we understand the power of the
cross? If you don’t understand the power
of the cross; you will never walk secure in life. If you are walking still in guilt and shame
after truly repenting of your sins; you are not walking in truth but
condemnation. Christ didn’t come into
the world to condemn us but to redeem us from sin. (John 3:16-17) Yet, the accuser of the brethren desires to
destroy your life with half-truth or accusations.
When Adam and Eve
lived in the Garden of Eden they lived without shame, according to scripture “they
were naked and felt no shame.” (Genesis 2:25) Keep in
mind, we were created in the likeness of God, so what does this mean? We were created without sin, holy, blameless,
and for good. Adam and Eve didn’t know
what sin was or the definition; it wasn’t something they were familiar
with. Satan said to Eve, “You will BE
LIKE God knowing good and evil.” What is
wrong with those statement two things: First, we were created in the likeness
of God, so how more “like God” could we be in the garden? Second, God isn’t evil, so how could He be evil? God is love.
God is good. God is holy. It was a half-truth of Satan’s deception that
led Eve to destruction to her soul and her life. Sin brought destruction to Eve’s life; it was
very costly. Eve lost her home, her
security, and relationships with her husband and God. Sin has a price tag! Yet, the cross paid the enormous price to
make us free from accusation, shame, and guilt!
Before I started
typing this blog, the page was blank with no words. It was waiting to be filled with the words
from my heart. Blank, empty, and it was waiting
to be filled with what I wrote on the page.
Waiting for words, so powerful I can touch the heart of who is reading
it. It’s not only an honor but a
responsibility to those who read it.
Nevertheless, what’s so alarming is the “words” we believe about
ourselves. Words we have heard others speak,
Satan’s accusations or our own self-talk in our lives? So, how do you see yourself? A deeper question to ask is how does God see
you? Oh, I am sure we have shuttered at
times with this thought or believe God only sees our sin? The power of cross will make us realize we
are a sinner, no one is righteous. It’s
only through the power of the cross, we are restored-made righteous before
God. God doesn’t see your past; He sees
potential of what He can do with your life.
As I was reading
the account of Genesis again, I was truly touched about an important fact. When was Eve named in scripture? Was it before the fall or after? Also who named her? It’s quite interesting and very powerful to
meditate on; she was named AFTER the fall.
Adam was able to name her Eve, the mother of all living, after the
fall. One moment Adam is blaming her to
God, the next he is speaking truth or life about her. Why? He
saw her through the eyes of grace, God’s design. She was created for life, a life to bring
glory to God. After the fall account,
scripture doesn’t ever mention this event again nor does God bring up Eve’s
horrible sin again. So if God never
accused her again, why would He accuse you? God never will accuse, it’s not a
language He speaks.
So, what words
are you using to describe yourself? Does
it match what God says about you? If
not, it’s time to erase those damaging words with truth. It’s time to kick the devil in the teeth, so
he can’t speak anymore into your ear.
The cross made a public display of him, destroyed all of his power, so
you can walk free from accusations-the blood of Christ sealed the deal.
"When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him." Colossians 2:13-15
Do you understand what Christ has done for YOU? He made you alive with Him! He forgave all your sins, canceled the debt completely! He took it all away by nailing it to the cross! He paid YOUR debt! Also, He disarmed the rulers and authorities so nothing could prevent your growth or life! Through the cross you are triumphant! The cross proves your are victorious because the price was paid in full.
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