As the ground shudders, his footprints thunder with each step he takes. His very presence causes immediate fear and intimidation, he is enormous. No ordinary man can face this man eye to eye, it’s impossible. Yet, the words he utters brings a paralyzing fear to prevent the children of Israel to attack. On a daily basis this giant comes to bring fear to the lives of these people, even the king refuses to protect his people. The army is hiding in fear, the king is absent, and this giant keeps coming and it’s been forty days! (I Samuel 17:16)

What’s very
interesting David’s three oldest brothers were trained in Saul’s army, they
choose to serve. Yet, the moment David talks
with the military men, Eliab gets angry with him. He attacks David fourfold:
His purpose
Being irresponsible or un-capable to be among
the men
Pride/wicked heart
Observe the war or not willing to lead
Keep in mind, the body will not always follow the leader God
selects. Yet, the language usually to attack
a leader comes through the spirit of Eliab. Eliab dressed like a warrior, sat in the camp,
and refused to move to assist the people he was to protect or work with. (That is another sermon) Sadly the army followed the heart of Saul, they hid in fear. Why wasn’t the king dressed in battle? Saul tried to prepare David with his artillery but IT DIDN’T FIT! We can’t expect to fight the giant with other people’s weapons, we can only defeat giants with confidence in God. Goliath fought to bring fame unto himself. David’s battles were only seen by God in the desert, he learned to rely on God. Keep in mind, David wasn’t comfortable or familiar with Saul’s weapons. Instead he used what he was familiar with! David approached the battle line with a staff, five smooth stones, and sling to come to the battle line. It’s the weapons of a shepherd!
Sometimes we get
so intimated with the giant, we forget our own weapons or how to use them. David was familiar with his weapons and so
are you! God’s Word never fails! Giants still fall in the name of God! (I
Samuel 17:45-47) David ran
quickly towards the battle line to meet him! It’s time to fight your giant! God’s name is still powerful, enemies fall
face down in His presence. Worship, the Word, the Holy Spirit, and the armor of God is all that available to all believers. It's provided through God alone, His name guarantees it!
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