Tuesday, February 21, 2023


 Often when we are wounded; we will retreat to our own cave of isolation.  Sometimes isolation from the noise of life has it's place; rest isn't a sin.  If anything God even rested after creating the world, so if He needed, so do I.  Yet, if we are not careful the isolation can cause us to forget our purpose on earth, we were not created to be alone.  Nevertheless, a few years ago, I went through some intense trials within my family, it was a traumatic time in my life.  To be truthfully honest, the trauma caused me to have a crisis not only within my life; it was within my soul.  It's not a period I want to relive but sadly within my mind, I have re-played the events over and over to the point of evaluating my decisions for myself and my family.  

 Still, within the coldness of the cave, I could feel it caressing my skin to bring calmness to the pain of the reality I stood.  As the wind howled through the entrance of the cave, I stood frozen to the ground.  Although the world was spinning outside the cave; I stood frozen in disbelief at what my family was just exposed to.  Yet, isn't that what trauma does?  It comes unexpectedly, a heartbreaking shock, and your mind is so overwhelmed you can't feel your body breathe.  Simply breathe...to prove to yourself you are alive but you are in the deepest pain of your soul.  Oh, to scream!  It would be a wonderful delight to allow the pain to come forth but it will reveal your presence.  It will cause some people to question your madness, some come to comfort as the friends of Job's, while the majority ignore the desperation of your scream.  So, you remain silent in isolation to prevent revealing your presence or drawing undue pain to those you love.  Oh, the hearts of the weary who long for rest!  Rest from the wolves who tore into my life so deeply with their teeth into my veins.  Yet, the pain is so deep the ice has started to frost my vision of God or distort the truth with its plaguing questions of doubt, unbelief, and fear.  

Numbness falls quickly as the dark twilight of the night emerges without solace or friends.  The numbness is a companion of the dread in which I stand.  God's voice is silent, no friends to depend upon, and the pain deepens with each breath.  The cave isolates not those who can conflict with pain but it isolates them from the opportunity of life or healing.  Love, peace, and healing are truly the hope of the weary soul but the fear of rejection, being misunderstood or doubting your faith could cause the choir to hush.  It's the reality of where your life stands in the midst of trauma.  

 Unbelief whispers questions about your worth before the Almighty as the dust of the ashes falls.  Doubt points to the reality of where you are.  Fear holds your feet, so the mustard seed of faith can't be seen.  The ache of your beloved's longing to come as the morning sun.   Although we seek solace or seek to gain an understanding of what's happening, we can lose a piece of our heart with our questions.  Questions of wondering, "Did I handle the situation right?"  "Did I make the right decision for my children?  How do I rebuild my life outside this cave?  Is it worth the risk?  


God didn't create our lives to be a walking tomb; He created us for life.  Truthfully, life at times will not make sense, pain is a reality, but the truth of God's Word and His character will prevail.  How can I be sure?  Jesus is still the Good Shepherd.  When your beloved calls your name, your aching heart thirsts to answer the call even if it's just a whisper.   He hears it!  A shepherd will search endlessly to be reunited with his sheep, regardless of the terrible location of the cave.  What truly brought me out of the cave, was truly being alone to hear the voice of the Shepherd.  I didn't answer the first call but as the Holy Spirit keep prompting me, I obeyed to come.  During a weekend stay at a hotel, I was determined to hear the voice of God, I wanted to be alone to pray until I heard Him.  So, I will share what He told me, "Let Me lead you to see MY goodness."  The Holy Spirit led me to two places in Scripture Psalm 23 and Psalm 34:18 and then told me to sleep.  

WHEN THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, I LACK NOTHING!  He desires to take me out of the cave to a place of GREEN PASTURES and LEADS BESIDE QUITE WATERS.  He knows I need rest, tranquility, and substance for my soul.  Yet, so many times we run what He offers.  He wants to REFRESH my soul.  We can rest assured of His desire; it's His name-FAITHFULLNESS and TRUTH!
Although darkness came, it will not conquer me because death has been defeated by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  So, as His child, I will rest in knowing His goodness and love will follow me ALL the day of my life.  Even in the darkest times of my life, I am not out of His sight or care.  

As Toby Mac sang in The Elements, "I get my head right, my heart has to follow."  Beloved, God is calling you out of the cave, don't be afraid to answer.   I pray the Spirit of the Lord will give you strength to step out of the cave and breathe life into you.


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