Today is my birthday; I am blessed to be alive. On the day of my birth, it was the worst ice storm of 1976. The storm was so bad; my father had to use his pocket knife to chip the ice off the car door before my mom could get in. The hospital was an hour away with normal weather; I couldn’t image driving in those conditions. But my parents arrived to the hospital; the doctor was still on the way. So, they had to stop her labor until the doctor arrived. After numerous hours, I arrived with many complications. I was born 3lbs, 6oz, and 20 inches long and it was going to be a fight for the next 24 hours to survive. The doctors were not sure of my survival but God had other ideas. Nothing is impossible for God, absolutely nothing.
Although my mother didn’t get to hold me for a month, I had to stay in an incubator until I was 5 lbs. I wasn’t able to be cuddled, kissed, or held for a month, the pain my parents must have been in. How difficult it must have been for them, as a parent, I now understand. Although the odds were against me, God’s plan wasn’t going to be stopped. He was working a healing miracle within my little body, so He could perform the greatest miracle of all, saving my life. God performs miraculous healings for the physical body but salvation of our souls is still the greatest act.
At the age of 12, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. But the road I travel until this day was dark, lonesome, and dangerous. As a babe, I had to learn to fight for my life to stay alive. But in order to live, I had to learn to die to Christ; I had to surrender my complete will. The Holy Spirit drew my heart with gentleness, such love, and a miraculous deliverance from abuse. I never really felt accepted by anyone: my family, my peers, and I didn’t have many close friends. Children of abuse only let you close enough to see a part of you, never the whole. Many wounds are visible but it’s too hard to allow anyone near to touch them. The fear of being completely opened, to face the pain, and allow the scars to heal is frightening. It’s the hellish chains Satan holds on the abused to keep them bond from experiencing the life, the celebrate life. Jesus died so we can be whole in heart, mind, and soul. It’s a complete healing, but so many are unwilling to allow Jesus the opportunity. As the Spirit quickens our heart, we run from His voice to escape the harsh reality-we are in pain. We run away from the One who is called to bring life, healing, and deliverance. 
My friends, ONLY in the arms of Christ, I found life. Satan has tried everything to destroy my life but God has given me joy unspeakable and a life to celebrate. Although, my calling isn’t complete yet, my heart’s complete in the love of God. Life has difficult moments but I have the ability to overcome them all through my relationship with Christ. Throughout my life, the odds have always been against me. With a horrible overbite, speech problems, low self-esteem, and everyone spoke against my future. My family would say, “You will never amount to anything.” My childhood peers would say, “You are ugly.” Or never allow me to be near them, I was scum to them.
As I read the Word of God, I learned the truth. “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139) At the cross, Jesus said, “I love you enough.” “You are worth everything to me.” Only in Christ, I have found life, so I celebrate my birthday with joy, thanksgiving, and know the best is yet to come. God isn’t done with me. The devil may try to knock me down but the same spirit that raise Christ Jesus lives in me. So, I am no longer the underdog, I am the champion because Jesus lives in me.
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