As a parent, we will have those occasions with our children who have the “gimmies.” Usually in the supermarket, my children will see the mouthwatering candies, so there appetites get the best of them. Sometimes without asking, I will tell my children to pick out something. On other occasions, I only have a certain amount of money, so they have to wait. Regardless of what I say, sometimes they will keep nagging until they get their way. Honestly, I have caved in just to get the silence back but what parent hasn’t on occasion.

Another example from the Old Testament, one of my favorites, Elisha had to pray through until God showed him the problem, 2 Kings 4:1-37. In this story, a wealthy couple prepares a meal to feed the prophet but eventually they prepare a room for him. On a particular travel, Elisha calls the woman to thank her for their generosity. So, he gives her a couple of options but it doesn’t seem it’s the right one. Elisha’s assistance advises they have no children and her husband is old. Remember, in this culture for a woman not to have a male heir or a husband could be a frightening situation. She was protected, provided for, and secure for her future. Elisha prophesies to this woman, “About this time next year, you will hold a son in your arms.” Just as Elisha said, the woman had a child. The child grew up; he was healthy until one horrible day in the fields. The child complained of a horrible headache, so the child was brought to his mother. While she held the child in her arms, he died. So, she lays the child on the bed of the prophet’s room. She calls her husband to assist her with getting a donkey and a servant. She is going to find the man of God.
Although deep within she wanted a child, she didn’t want to be misled. Maybe somewhere in the past, her heart was broken over the fact she would never have a child. According to scripture, her husband is old, so she may have accepted the fact-she would never be a mother. She didn’t want to be heartbroken or her hopes raised again. Elisha prophesied a request deep within her heart, she is a mother. The child is dead, so she goes to find him. God gave this child to her, a blessing from him. However, at the moment, God doesn’t make sense, why would God take the child away? The situation is hopeless, death is finally. Nevertheless, she knows who spoke the truth and who walked with God. She doesn’t stop until she finds the prophet. Elisha sees her from a distance, so he calls his servant to find out what’s wrong with the woman. The servant comes to her, “Are you ok?” She responds, “Everything is all right.” Do you see the faith of her heart? She knows the moment she reaches the prophet; it’s going to be okay. As she reaches him, she takes hold of his feet. Deep within her soul, she knows he is the answer. He isn’t moving until he responds, she has his feet. However, look at what Elisha says, she is in bitter distress but the Lord has hidden it from me and has not told me why.”
As she holds his feet, she pours her heart out to him. She is upset for giving this child to her and raising her hopes. Elisha sends his servant to her house but lay his staff on the child. The servant lives them to obey Elisha’s command but the woman stays with the prophet. As the servant arrives, he does what is requested but nothing happens. So, the servant runs back to Elisha to give the report. As Elisha reaches the house, the boy was lying dead on the couch. Elisha goes inside the room, closes the door and prayed to the Lord. Then he got on the bed and lay upon the boy, mouth to mouth, eye to eyes, and hands to hands. As Elisha did this the body was warm but he wasn’t awake. Elisha walks back and forth in the room and does the same thing again; the boy sneezes seven times and opens his eyes.

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