What’s so wonderful about God’s Word, it preserves us during difficult times. Difficult times will come to us, life can be very challenging. Usually during those moments, we begin to question if we are going in the right direction. Although we heard God clearly, we walked according to His direction but its looks like a dead end. As we stand in the midst of the wilderness our hearts grow faint, we can’t see the vision as clearly. Regardless of what direction we turn, we hit a dead end with no signs pointing which direction to take. It seems hope is losing her light, so start to listen to the voice of the night, “The promise will never come” or “You failed too many times; God’s not going to fulfill it.” As we look around us, it does seem everything is against us. We being to question, “Will God ever fulfill His promise to me?”

Abraham received a promise from God, “He would be the father of many nations” but it wasn’t fulfilled until very late in life. In fact, Abraham was over 100 years old before this promise was fulfilled. According to Romans 4:18-22, Abraham considered the facts of the situation: it was against all hope for the promise to come. Would this child come to him? In the physical: Abraham was too old, his body was dead. As Abraham looked at Sarah for hope, it was lost because her womb was closed. The facts didn’t look very promising but Abraham didn’t allow it to weaken His faith, he believed in God. We can consider the facts but we need to be confident in the Lord. Abraham was a friend of God, so he was confident in the person of God.
Satan desires for us to grow weak in our faith, so we will give up. He will whisper doubt into your heart but resist him by shouting the promise of God. Write the promise on the tablet of your heart, so faith will arise. Faith comes only by hearing and hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) If we are to move the mountains, we have to be confident in the Rock. A relationship with God will sustain us in the pilgrimage. God’s is still our present help, His power will deliver us. When all hope seems bleak, God has the greatest opportunity to perform the miracle. We can’t fulfill His promise; we have to allow God to do it. Our hearts may grow weary; strengthen it by nourishing it with the Word. Although Abraham didn't have the written Word, he received a spoken Word from God. In either case, God will complete it even if we failed the test. Abraham obeyed God’s direction but he failed God during the waiting period. Abraham and Sarah became very impatient, so they decided to have a child with another woman, Hagar. When the child was born, it brought heartache and discord into the house. So much in fact, Sara removed Hagar and Ishmael out of the house. Also, it split a nation. So, it’s worth waiting for God’s hand to bring it to fulfillment. Yet, he didn't stop believing God's spoken promise to his life.

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