Whether, I believe what God says or not, His words are true. It’s only when we renew our mind with truth, we can overcome the lies. Whatever anyone says or what negative things we believe about ourselves, it can be truly washed with the Word. We can’t allow harmful words to enter our spirit; it dulls the heart from being. I admit the hardest person to love is myself, it has been a struggle all of my life. It’s only through God’s loving grace; I am able to walk in confidence. My confidence comes from God, He is the only One who has lifted my head. God doesn’t want us to walk in condemnation or defeated. God didn’t send His Son to condemn the world but to redeem it. (John 3:17) Our enemies may speak lies about us but God is our defense.
When we come to Christ, we arrive as sinners but we leave as a saint. Although our faith hasn’t fully developed, a seed is planted. Our faith is being developed but our identity has been changed completely. We are adopted into the family of God; we are His chosen people who are a royal priesthood. When I look in the mirror, sometimes it’s hard to see anything royal or priceless. As I have grown in the Lord, this truth changed my perspective of myself. It’s only through the eyes of God; I could lift up my head. Satan will always be an accuser of the brethren; God will be the one who always justifies.
When the children of Israel settled outside the Jordan across from Jericho, it brought fear to the king of the Moabites, Balak. Balak was afraid of the Israelites because he saw what they did to another tribe, the Amorites. Nothing was left or the Amorites, so Balak was fearful of the same fate. Keep in mind, what Balak said about the Israelites in Numbers 22:5b-7, “A people has come out of Egypt; they cover the face of the land and have settled next to me. Now come and put a curse on these people, because they are too powerful for me. Perhaps then I will be able to defeat them and drive them out of the country. For I know that those who bless are blessed, and those you curse you curse.”
From the mouth of the enemy, Balak said, “They are too powerful for me.” Also, he was hoping to defeat them with damaging words, a curse. He wanted to drive them out of the land, so he could overtake them. Satan wants to speak a curse into your heart to defeat you and keep you from the promise. If he can get you to believe it, he has defeated you. Yet, he knows the moment we walk in truth, WE ALWAYS DEFEAT HIM! He knows we belong to God, we are blessed.
As the story continues, Balak peruses Balaam to curse the children of God on three separate attempts, he didn’t give up. Yet, he was defeated at every turn. Balaam was able to overcome Balak because he sought the face of God, didn’t follow others opinions, or accept a bride to harm anyone. As he was willing to walk with God, the Lord placed the words within his mouth, he spoke a blessing. Beloved, God speaks blessings over us, He doesn’t speak a curse. Jesus was sent on the cross to break every curse, so we could be free. Numbers 22:12, “But God said to Balaam, “Do not go with them. You must not put a curse on those people, because they are blessed.” Also, I would encourage you to highlight or memorize the passages found in Numbers 23:19-24.
Words have no power until we believe them. What do you believe about yourself? Does it line up with the Word of God? If it doesn’t, it’s time to cast it down and bring it to the obedience of Christ.
We are not a product of our past, we are transformed from it. God doesn’t hold our sinful past against us, He has forgiven it. We are forgiven! God has a mouthful of blessings to declare over us, it’s time to embrace them.
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