As the morning sun glistened in the shadows of the trees, it brought a comforting truth-God is faithful. Absolutely nothing can prevent His faithfulness to reach me; it’s what keeps my faith solid. At times, I am not faithful to Him. It truly breaks my heart the moments, I fall. Yet, God always remains faithful to me. God doesn’t just see my weakness, He sees my potential.
In the cleft of the mountains, the children of Israel lived for their disobedience to God’s Word. They could visually see the bountiful land God promised, it was beneath them. As their powerful enemies steal their land and their harvests, it stole their lives. A grueling heart break of regret was encountered daily at sunset; they are on the outskirts of the promise. How could they defeat their enemy? Oppression of the enemy’s lies brought fear, doubt, shame, and poverty. What are they to do? (Judges 6:1-6)

I have read this account Judges 6:1-16 on several occasions, it always ministers to me. As the children of Israel cry out, God’s preparing deliverance through an unlikely fellow. According to the Word, the Midianities were so powerful because they were numerous, like swarms of locusts. (Judges 6:5) All of the countries around them invaded their land. Absolutely nothing was left, hope was diminishing before their eyes.
When we bring destruction upon ourselves, God will come to us if we call out. It’s only through calling out, we have hope. God will never ignore the cries of His children, He listens intensely to them. A broken heart will always grasp ahold of the heart of God, it quickly gets His attention. A heart cry will never be quenched it will be embraced with hope. We have to quit hiding behind the excuses, the lies we believe about ourselves. We have to embrace the truth of God’s Word to break free. It’s time to make a decision about our lives: excuses or deliverance. What do we want? Do we want to live on the cleft of the mountain of excuses or do we want our life back?
God wants us to rely on His truth, so we can be strengthen for life. God is always with us, He will never leave us. As the enemy comes, we must be prepared for battle. Our enemy is mighty powerful until God arrives. As Gideon works to prepare a harvest to feed his family, God calls him. Honestly, why would God call Gideon? If you look at Gideon, he isn’t much to look at, he admits it. Gideon comes from the weakest clan of Israel and the least in the family. (Judges 6:15) Besides of being from the worst family line, Gideon has absolutely no experience in the military. Zero. If you want to talk about wheat, Gideon could tell you anything. Gideon brought all of the excuses to God; he brought what he believed about himself to God. Do you know what God saw? God called Gideon, a mighty warrior. (Judges 6:12) The secret of Gideon’s victory was accepting the truth, God is with him. With God on our side, our enemy has no power.
Judges 6:16 The Lord answered, “I will be with you,
and you will strike down the Midianites together.”

I cry out to the Lord; I pray to the Lord for mercy. – Psalm 142:1
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