Satan will always try to paint us into a corner. As the walls close in, he will speak words of fear, doubt, and make us believe our situations are uncertain. Although we may be in the corner, we still have options of whose report we will believe. It’s the test of unshakeable faith that will always defeat the enemy’s tactics. Rest assured, our faith will be tested by the fire but it’s always refined by it. Life will bring enormous circumstances to make us afraid; it’s only faith in God that will overcome it. Our faith in God has to be unshakeable; we will not surrender to defeat. It doesn’t mean we aren’t afraid in the midst of the situation; we rest in who God is. Life is full of impossible situations until God arrives on the scene. Nothing is impossible with God, absolutely nothing.
God is searching for something deep within your heart, he is looking for faith. On the whole earth, the Father of God is searching for faith. Luke 18:8b, “However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth.” As Rahab tied the scarlet chord on her house, it waved for all to see. She trusted in the God of the Israelites, so she was spared destruction. May my faith wave in the air for God to see, I believe in you. Regardless of the calamity around me, I will rest in God. Abraham, the father of faith, was credited righteous for his faith. Only through the power of God would Abraham have a son, the one promised to him. At his elderly age, it doesn’t look promising of a child to be born. Abraham was married to a beautiful woman but she was elderly and barren.
Hebrews 11:11, "Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judge him faithful who had promised."
Regardless of who you study in scripture, God spoke promises to many of the great patriarchs. It wasn’t always easy to trust to see those promises fulfilled, they were tested. "I am not a failure for going through the test; I am a success for coming out of the fire unharmed." STAND YOUR GROUND, and AFTER YOU HAVE DONE EVERYTHING, TO STAND.
So, what’s the test you are facing? Weakness, waiting for the promise, sickness, difficult job situations, or finances, it’s no match for God. Hebrews 11:33, “who through faith conquered kingdoms, administrated justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who become powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.”
Don’t think it strange what you are encountering right now, God has you. All of trials show the power to the world what is sustaining you-Jesus. My life hasn’t been except from trials, I am facing some might ones at this moment. Although my enemy has me cornered with worries about some impossible situations, God isn’t surprised or afraid. My Heavenly Father knows my complete life story, He was already prepared. The opponent has been defeated numerous times; the cross destroyed all of his works. Nothing can stand in my way, my faith in God overcomes it all-the salvation of my soul.