Circumstances can easily derail our hearts away from the promises of God. I admit, the last few years of my life, I have been wondering if I really missed God’s call on my life. With all of the hardships financially, health issues, and job changes my soul was perplexed until my heart was opened to the truth. God’s mind doesn’t change its man’s heart that needs rearranging. Although, I admit I have been in the desert, it had a greater purpose- a deep hunger. Psalm 42:1 says “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God.” My soul thirsts for the presence of God, a place where only His glory dwells. Something is stirring me deeper, is there more to this? The thirst isn’t quenched and it keeps growing deeper, my pursuit to know God. The thirst is driving me to seek His face, dwell on the promises, and settle for nothing but the promise. Will the promises He spoke be fulfilled? Yes, I can say with confidence, God will keep His word to me. According to the Bible, “God keeps His promise; He isn’t like man who lies.” (Numbers 23:19) God doesn’t lie, it isn’t within His character. He leads us in the path of righteousness for His namesake. (Psalm 23:3) 
The promises are words of life to receive to bring God’s power, peace, and provision.
We are weak in our lives because we don’t stand firm in the promise.
We don’t delight in the Word of God, so we start to wilt spiritually.
We need to “delight” in the Word of God; it will bring the satisfaction we are thirsting for.
As we delight in the Word, it will cause a hunger both day and night. We will seek the daily manna while it's present otherwise, it will wilt away. It will bring fruit to our lives but it’s only through the Word we find the substance.
Sadly, so many people read their horoscopes, seek guidance from palm readers, or read news to find assurance of a future.
We will never be secure in the wisdom of man, it’s only through the fear of the Lord do we obtain wisdom.
We can’t follow the way of mockers, fools, and counsel of the wicked.
All of their wisdom leads to death, only God’s Word is life.
The Lord will carefully watch over the way of the righteous but the wicked will not stand.
Judgment will wait their lives for their own decision.

Wilting starts with neglecting our spiritual time with the Lord but if we don’t pay attention, it could be our destruction.
The presence of God is so precious, it restores the soul.
Through the reading of the Word, we wash away the filth of this world to find the truth.
As the Spirit reveals the truth to us, we accept the Word that’s within us, to save our souls.
The Spirit of the Lord will always lead us to the truth, convict our lives, and comfort us in this life.
Guilt will prevent us from entering God’s presence especially if we know we have messed up.
Guilt comes with a price, a heavy load.
It never lets up, if anything it will continue to grow until we lay it down.
The Spirit is calling us to enter in the rest with urgency and yearning. He will pursue us with love but if we ignore it, we could missed it. Wilting away starts with neglect of your spirit but it can be stopped if it's cared for. We have to allow the Spirit to prune us, allow the Word to wash us, and Jesus to bring life. It isn't too late to accept God's care, He is a life giver.
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