Regardless of how far I fall, I can’t hide from God’s love. It still lures me in; I can’t escape its drawing. Sometimes, I wonder if God is done with me, I have fallen in the pit again. The pit of sin is so dark, deep, and alone. It seems the longer I sit, the longer I have to hear my enemy whisper lies of condemnation. “Why don’t you give up?” “God will not listen to you anyone, you are a failure.” Lies don’t hold any power unless we believe them, although their deception can hold us. Well, it can’t keep us if we accept the truth of God’s Word. All of Satan’s lies unravel the moment we believe, accept, and walk in the truth. God doesn’t give up on us, He does believe in us.
A friend of mine said, "Faith is man believing in God, Grace is God believing in man." As I got ready for work this morning, I felt the nudging of the Spirit calling me to come. I desired to be with Him but I felt so unworthy to approach Him. Have you ever been there? Guilt has the ability to point us one way down Lonesome Avenue. On Lonesome Avenue, there are no lights or direction to guide expect into darkness. It brings us to isolation from finding hope, shelter, and peace. As each lie cords
around our heart, fear enters our lives to cause us to be paralyzed. We can’t move or think until God speaks. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105 Love holds no boundaries, it lights the way to bring healing. As the morning rose, so did my heart because God spoke to me. All throughout the morning, God prompted me to read Psalm 34. As I read it, the promises of God were profound, uplifting, and perfect.

Psalm 34:4-5 says, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” As I continued to read, I couldn’t help but cry out for gratitude of God’s faithfulness. The Lord is aware of our struggles, our troubles, and saves those who are crushed in spirit. What’s so beautiful about God’s Word, it cuts right to the heart. If we are really willing to allow the Spirit to open us, we will be restored. Why do we hold unto the pain? I don’t understand why I hold onto my mistakes, it’s easier to hold God’s hand. We will guide us to the path of righteousness for His namesake. (Psalm 23:3) As we walk we God, we learn who He is. As the psalmist said, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8
If we are willing to listen to the Spirit speak, we will get off Lonesome Ave and enter our Shalom. Shalom means peace in the Hebrew Language. Our Shalom (Jesus) is our only refuge. He is the only One who can redeem us, shelter us, and remove all of the condemnation. Condemnation can’t enter a heart at peace with God, they are blessed. Blessed is the man whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. “Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit.” (Psalm 32:1-2)
Sin will always separate us from the peace and fellowship with God, but never from the love of God. Well, I admit today I am done traveling down this lonesome road. As I went to prayer, I felt at home. No matter what, I can’t run from the place I belong. I belong with God. So, are you feeling guilty or alone? You don’t have to listen to the lies anymore, come to Jesus. He is only calling you, so you can come home.
Thankyou for posting this I needed to hear it!