Above my desk, I have a cork board of promises. All of the promises are scriptures, confirmations, and dreams spoke from God about my life. It’s a daily reminder of God’s spoken promise to me. It wasn’t spoken through the mouth of man; it was spoken directly to my heart from God. As each promise was spoken into my life; I have written it upon the capsule of my heart. Deep within my soul I hold tightly to those precious promises; only shared with a select few. Yet, the promises are held within the hand of God to fulfill them. As the sparkle in my eyes eagerly awaits the fulfillment; God’s preparing my life for it. As each day dawns, my life is challenged to grow for God’s call. All of preparation comes through trials and tests, lessons of my past, continued prayer, and education from different seasons of my life. All of seasons hold different lessons to prepare me; each one molds the dream to reality.
When I am too weak to fight the good fight of faith, God reminds me who I belong to. When I walk in the midst of trouble, I can still have peace. I can’t escape Him because the love of my devotion runs deep, the cross keeps me anchored. The promises of God will be fulfilled because He spoke them. I can’t force the promise to appear, God’s timing produces the blessings. God never disappoints us; He will never fail us. Our best intentions is what God has for us, it’s one of the beautiful benefits of belonging to God.

Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not be proven false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” ~Habakkuk 2:2-3
Also, meditate upon those moments to build your faith of God’s promise. Carefully listen to Gods’ voice to guide your steps, realize life’s difficulties produce opportunities for growth, and faithfulness produces blessings.
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” ~Psalm 32:8
As the story of Joseph’s life unfolds in scripture, it’s not an easy journey. All of the obstacles didn’t prevent the fulfillment; it prepared him. Only in the capsule of his heart could Joseph hold unto the promise, God’s promise. A dream spoken into his life at the age of seventeen; it wasn’t fulfilled until he was a man. As the dream started his life’s journey; the understanding came from a personal relationship with God. What brought Joseph out of jail? It wasn’t the dream but the ability to interpret dreams, a gift from hearing God’s voice.
Joseph had to develop his relationship with God; it’s what brought his deliverance. So, remain faithful in your devotion to God. Our God never sleeps or ignores the details of our lives; He is acquainted with them all.
“Yet what is due me is in the Lord's hand, and my reward is with my God."~Isaiah 49:4