As I was heading home from helping a family, I received a call from my best friend. She is going through a deep valley in her life, she needed me. During the conversation, we decided to meet at our favorite place to talk. So, I called my husband to make dinner arrangements for our family, so I could be there for her.

Yes, He talks to me but at this moment He was silent. Silence can be golden but it’s unsettling during moments of crisis. As our hearts panic, we lose sight of the truth. Fear grips our hearts with panic, millions of questions, and the inability to clearly think. Although the truth hasn’t moved, we can’t find our way through the dark. It’s all the uncertainties or the “what if” questions that plague our minds with anxiety. Anxiety is a deadly poison that quickly attacks our reasoning, weights our spirits down, and distorts the truth. What are we to do? Well, as bizarre as it may sound, we should pray. Yes, we should pray until the peace of Christ rules our hearts and mind.
When Christ rules, so does His peace. It blankets our soul with gentleness of rest, so we can walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Although we may travel through unexpected waters, Jesus still calms the storms. He doesn’t leave us during the difficult times, He is our present help.
May I remind you dear child, help is on the way. Can I be sure of this? Yes, I can. With all my heart, I encourage you with God’s Word. It has NEVER FAILED me. Also, HE WILL NEVER FAIL YOU!!!
“I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip-he who watches over you will not slumber.” Psalm 121:1-3
Although the cheesy fries were very satisfying to eat, it only “numbed” the pain for a brief moment. Sometimes, we run to what will numb the pain instead of what will solve the problem. Oh, I admit I have a few pain relievers: chocolate, coffee, and cookies. Christ is the only "C" for the cure. Nevertheless, I am grateful to be a friend who could be present during a crisis. It allowed us to communicate to bring clarity, understanding, and precious reminders of truth. As my best friend waited for my wisdom, my counsel was quite simple: pray until peace comes. Do not make any decisions unless the peace of Christ rules your heart.
A wise man once said, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
So, if it’s too late to call your best friend. May I be your friend this evening, God is there. Although the circumstances seem uncertain, the pain is unbearable; God’s power is no match. Jesus took the strips upon His back not just for your healing but your peace. Peace will guard your heart through this difficult time but it’s only through the Master. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, longs to nestle you spirit, comfort through the Spirit, and preserve your heart with His Word. It’s time to cast your cares on Him because He does care for you. (I Peter 5:7)
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