In the eyes of children, we can see a future. It’s the innocent eyes, the simple faith, and the unconditional love of a child that captivates one’s hearts. Their joyful laugh is so contagious, it lightens the atmosphere. Also, trying to keep their energy contained in one room. Well, let’s just say, “I need an energy drink or a long nap to keep up.”

According to 1 Samuel 3:1 “the word of God was rare: there were not many visions”. Although Eli was a Levite, (a priest through the bloodline) he neglected the law within his own house. Both of his sons disrespected the Lord’s offerings with contempt, slept with various women, and had no regard for the Lord. Yes, Eli gave godly instruction or rebuke but neglected to enforce godly discipline. As a result, God killed his two sons and Eli died from a broken neck. Eli’s family wouldn’t have an heir; the head of the priests was removed, so godly discipline is important.
Instruction, discipline, and prayer are important to guide the heart unto godliness. Samuel’s heart ran after the voice of God, so he was favored. God desired a high priest who would be faithful to what He desired. This faithful priest would follow God’s heart and mind, so God would establish him. As he ministered, it wouldn’t be just for the people but an anointing before God. Wow! Who wouldn’t desire this ministry? Anyone can follow the footsteps of Samuel to have a powerful ministry such as: following the voice of God, grew in the presence of God, and allow God to reveal himself in the Word. Samuel was a prophet for God; the people trembled as he walked. Prophets don’t always have the popular message but they have “the Word from God.” Samuel impacted a nation for the truth of God, he is remembered for it. What a story! Who knows what God will do with the children we minister too? Maybe they will be a prophet/prophetess who changes the world in our Sunday School class or our youth group.
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