Two days before we arrived, a farmer brought in a litter of 12 puppies that were young enough to adopt. All of the puppies were a mixture of Labrador and Pit Bull but my heart was attracted to the runt of the litter. All of the other puppies were pulling on his ears, jumping on him, but he didn’t respond. He was just so sweet and still, I knew I found him. After getting the attendants attention, we were placed in a small room to see how he would respond. My daughter, who was four at the time, was so funny she believed the puppy was going to eat her. She ran around the room as the puppy loving chased her. Finally, Ryan picked up our daughter into his arms to calm her down. I grabbed the puppy to bring him close to her. Just at that moment, with a lick on her cheek she was hooked.
So, we went to the counter to pay for the puppy and the cashier was so upset. She called for another co-worker to come say “Good-bye to Noah”. She told me they enjoyed dressing Noah in clothes because he was so gentle - it was also confirmation to us, Noah was perfect for us. All of my children are named out of the Bible, so I knew Noah fit just fine.
Well, the rest of the story, Noah loved all of us but he is very attached to the one who didn’t want a dog, my husband. Every evening around 5:30, Noah will sit on the couch to look out the window. He doesn’t move at all. He is so fixed on the front window of the house because he can see the gate. Noah will have his paws right in front with his head on the pillow, so loving and eager to see my husband. As Ryan’s car appears in the window, Noah will stand up and shake his tail and in the moment the door opens, Ryan is nearly knocked down with kisses. One evening while Noah was sitting at the window, I had a wonderful thought. Does the church eagerly and loving wait for the coming of the Lord? Or does the church even anticipate it? Well, the Lord is coming! We may not know the day or time but rest assured he is coming.
Many people are going to be caught unaware, just like the days of Noah. (No, I am not referring to my dog). According to the Word, people will go about their daily lives, routines and dreams. Some couples will be preparing their wedding day, others getting drunk with wine, and some mocking the day approaching. But suddenly, the clouds will split and the Lord of Lord’s will shine in all His glory. The Bride will be united with the groom, so get ready church. The banquet prepared will make Hollywood blush, jealous, and dreading this day.
2 Peter 3:1-17 completely supports the day of the Lord’s return. Peter express many will mock us, be filled with evil desires and mock the truth of the Lord’s return. The mockers forget that God has ALWAYS kept His Word and He is the One who formed the earth. And, God’s time clock doesn’t run like man’s wrist watch, it’s very fast. The only reason for the delay is the aching within His heart to give time for repentance. Nevertheless, the day of the Lord will be like a thief in the night. This is a unique metaphor to express this truth, who is prepared for a thief? Who wants a thief to come? No one desires to be robbed but if someone experiences it, this day could destroy their life. There is no peace to be found, it’s all gone. My friends, the day of the Lord is approaching but the Bride should be eagerly waiting.
On my wedding day, all I thought about was seeing Ryan. As everyone assisted me to get the wedding prepared, my heart yearned for my future husband. The anticipation was very strenuous but my heart rested in our love the moment I saw him. With each step, my heart was fixed on being near the love of my life. I couldn’t wait to be swept up in the arms of my groom. Does the day of the Lord give you peace or fear? It doesn’t have too.
As Peter 3:14 records, “So then, dear friends, since you ARE LOOKING forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless, and at peace with him.”
Go to Jesus, the groom, who eagerly awaits your arrival with love and expectation. He has prepared a place for you to dwell with Him. It’s all paid for and from what I heard, it’s breathtaking.
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