As I have matured, I have learned it’s not about the great hair styles or wearing mascara, it was about learning what makes me beautiful. As I re-discovered myself, I learned a precious truth, God made me precious. I am an original. Although we are all different, I can still be unique. My worship, my service, and life can still be a precious fragrance to offer God, it’s my own.
At this moment in my life, I expected to be fulfilling God’s call upon my life. So many nights, I have stayed awake to imagine the millions of souls who found Christ or were healed during a service. Just in awe, of the Spirit moving so strong all who are sick start to walk, run, or see for the first time. So, many stories I have read of past revivals or those who walked in the Spirit with such an anointing, it’s creating a hunger for a deep move of God. Before I leave this earth, my prayer is to see God move as I have read about. Also, to see all of God’s written promises fulfilled in my life. What a beautiful moment, I can’t wait.
Although I clearly know my destination, it’s the overwhelming details to get there. When will I get there? As my children scream in the back of the car, “Are we there yet?” “No, so stop asking me!” “When we arrive, I will tell you.” Our children have to trust us to arrive to the vacation destination; they can’t arrive on their abilities. Well, it’s the same with God. We can’t fulfill God’s desires for our lives on our own abilities; we have to ride together to the location. God is preparing us; we have to allow Him to drive.
Recently, I was allowing the enemy to speak a terrible lie into my heart, I was a failure. On Facebook, letters, and some phone conversations, I have learned about my friends who are successful and fulfilling God’s call. It seems all of the doors are opening very quickly, while I am just starting. Yes, we shouldn’t compare ourselves but I admit it, I did. All of the voices of insecurities, doubt, and fear started to overcome my faith. As I started to withdraw, my dearest friend confronted me about it. She quickly realized the lie, so I could start walking the truth. She is a precious gem, one of God’s precious daughters. She challenged me to write all of God’s promises or goals in my journal. As a declaration to God, I will trust until it’s complete.
After the morning of our conversation, I did something very daring. My work uniform requires a certain dress code; we are to wear white socks. Instead, of the normal daily attire, I wore my favorite purple socks, as a reminder, God’s promise is coming. When you think of the color purple, what’s the first thing to come to mind? When I think of purple, I think of royalty. Will I ever be a princess? Although I have a prince, he isn’t from a royal family. My husband will always be the love of my life. He will always be, “my handsome” who captured my heart.
Galatians 3:29, "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Nevertheless, my heart belongs to the King of Kings, so by the blood, I am a princess. Galatians 3:6-7, "Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father". So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir." I am an heir to the throne of grace who has access to all of the richest treasures of Heaven. The promise doesn’t become a dream until God grants it. So, my King declared it, I wait in expectation.
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